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Please take a look at the list below. If you agree with a rename, click YES, if you disagree click NO. Next to Yes and No you can see the current number of votes.
renameAligatortoAlligatoah ? Yes: 9 No: 15
renameOne RepublicantoOne Republic ? Yes: 20 No: 2
renameBohemian RhapsodytoQueen ? Yes: 19 No: 2
renameQuenntoQueen ? Yes: 19 No: 2
renameRiannatoRihanna ? Yes: 17 No: 3
renameNo Name GypsytoNoname ? Yes: 16 No: 2
renamePlayboy CartitoPlayboi Carti ? Yes: 12 No: 1
renameRed Jumpsuit ApperatustoRed Jumpsuit Apparatus ? Yes: 12 No: 1
renameSybille BaiertoSibylle Baier ? Yes: 11 No: 1
renameTerminitetoTeminite ? Yes: 10 No: 0