anyone know where i can order zmr shirts or clone your lover online? also looking for guitar tabs.
>>By BloodyKisses (Wednesday, 1 Jan 2003 04:16)
Now that orgy's drummer Bobby Hewitt left the band, there will never be ORGY. Its time to move on to better things and better music such as Zeromancer. They rock the world.
>>By korgy107 (Friday, 3 Jan 2003 09:04)
I need the album clone your lover have eurotrash!!! I love that album doctor online,clonebitch,wannabe,plasmatic,these songs and lyrics kickass and the dude was an ex-member of prick and the kidney theives.... The next orgy is here and they are taking over!!!
>>By menacing mancer freak (Monday, 6 Jan 2003 22:40)
Hi! I´m trying to find out how many records the have released. Any who knows can E-mail me at
>>By Cloned lover (Tuesday, 21 Jan 2003 14:44)
hey does anyone know where these guys are frum?
>>By zeroorgy (Saturday, 1 Feb 2003 18:48)
zeromancer is sooo cool. I love them all. I have all 4 cds out. To order go to and e/mail stephen to get them. 2 of them are singles and the other two are the full cds.
>>By zeromancer freak (Sunday, 2 Feb 2003 21:18)
They are so cool...i love their music!!!!!!!!!!
>>By Doctor online (Thursday, 6 Feb 2003 17:13)
i recently discovered zeromancer by accident. i've been listening to neo geisha non stop. they own me.
>>By eryn (Saturday, 8 Feb 2003 18:09)
i could agree with all of you zeromancer is the greatest thing ive heard. i just wish i knew more about them and that they were more popular around america, im the only one i personaly know that knows of them and i know a shit load of people.
>>By The Muffin Man (Wednesday, 26 Feb 2003 12:05)
zeromancer is some good stuff. anybody have some other bands they can recommend that are similar in style to them?
>>By neologic (Thursday, 27 Feb 2003 16:45)
I saw them perform at the dragonfly in hollywood and I was blown away... Best Industrail band ever!!! I bought the cd and I need it like a drug. Just cant stop INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!
>>By ODIUMJOHN (Thursday, 27 Feb 2003 17:17)
zeroorgy: they're from norway. i never would have known if i hadn't recently started singing in a norwegian black metal band.
>>By gregor (Monday, 3 Mar 2003 21:41)
Hey, Zeromancer is awesome, I came upon them by accident. Out of everyone I have talked to no one knows who they are. Which sucks because they are such a great band! Also since they aren't that popular yet in america you can barely find any of there stuff, so yeah hopefully more people find out about them, because they are awesome!!
>>By Plasmatic (Tuesday, 11 Mar 2003 10:03)
Zeromancer's new preview is like totally zippidy. The remake rahx. Eurotrash "we accept cash and we accept plastic" is great. The operator (for termination by hanging, push 1) is very provocative. Can't wait for the release!!!!
>>By markyboyz (Friday, 14 Mar 2003 04:34)
Zeromancer are from germany you ass!!! the lead guitarist is my best friend's cousin so i know him pretty well! :) Orgy are kick ass too!!
>>By GermanDoctorOnline000 (Friday, 14 Mar 2003 20:02)
I like their sound, but all and all I think they're kind of a Nine Inch Nails ripoff with an Orgy look, which isn't necissarily bad. I enjoy the music and think they got big things to come.
>>By NineInchZerOrgyCrossbreed30secondsToSkywind (Sunday, 23 Mar 2003 02:52)
OMG!!!! Zeromancer kiks so much fucking ass!!!! I also came upon them by accident. I went to see the thrill kill kult/pigface tour, and ZEROMANCER was there. I must say, they turned out to be my fav band at the concert, out of 5 bands that played. I can't wait till they make it big time. They deserve it. \m/ rock on!
>>By Misses Morbid (Saturday, 29 Mar 2003 20:07)
wow zeromancer is really really good i saw them on and decided to DL sum of there stuff on kazaa CHECK THEM OUT they are really good i need to buy the album now!
>>By zeroed in (Sunday, 30 Mar 2003 18:25)
they r good but what the hell y do all the good bands from europe all do the same thing and lean on all the guys in the band? check sum pics from rammstein or goto that site that sum 1 recommended up there? for some bad pictures that may make u not like them as much
>>By zeroed in (Sunday, 30 Mar 2003 18:28)
i heard about them on the metal channel on direct tv so i ordered their cd from europe
>>By mancerfreak (Wednesday, 2 Apr 2003 19:05)
zeromancer is a european band and I'm proud of it !!!!!!!! They're from norway... And for your information they are NOT the next ORGY, they are better than orgy ( no offence) cuz damn :o:o:o ever heard houses of cards or cupola???? About the pics, the bandpics kick arse
>>By zerostar (Friday, 4 Apr 2003 12:40)
Zeromancer kicked a major ass on March 29! We wanted to play that show with them, but were too busy in studio! for some cool pics go here: i dont think they are deserved to be called the next anything, they are very original in a lot of ways, and their show is breath taking!!! Remember my bands name REACTIONS, you'll hear some fuzzzzzz in a few month...very simular to Orgy and Zeromancer put togeather...we are even debating on doing a Russian languaged single! have
>>By Ilya (Friday, 4 Apr 2003 21:49)
oh yeah, drop me a letter, and i'll put ya on our mailing list, and hook you up with some free cds! --ilya
>>By ilya (Friday, 4 Apr 2003 22:21)
I found zeromancer off of a metal station in Arizona when they were doing their sunday night music 'round the world tribute and played Doctor Online. All I can say is that they own me forever and I wish I could stalk them.. *drools* They are so fucking good.
>>By WasteOfAGirl (Monday, 7 Apr 2003 01:42)
my best friend who is infatuated with orgy told me about zeromancer and now they are one of my favorite bands. I saw them at club xanth and I can't wait to see them again at the key club. Chris is so cool, I've seen him twice with kidney thievies. He is very talented and I recently found out about prick. Can't wait to see Zeromancer. Did anybody know that noralph( probably spelled wrong) is a cab driver. I heard that from a band member of Softcore, also from Norway.
>>By samantha (Monday, 7 Apr 2003 21:38)
the only way to get one in america like i did is to happen to go to one of theyre shows on their tour these past 2 months which is no longer, ended a few days ago they hope to tour for the new cd after the european tour
>>By Deadsy (Tuesday, 29 Apr 2003 18:48)
Just came upon this by the typing in 3 band names and this comes up. Dlaod a few songs off kazza and man they rock! Norway has gotta be the land of Music, with all the amazing black and gothic metal with bands liek immortal and theatre of tragedy. Some other good industrial bands are Tapeworm - dload the song 'warlock' which is unreleased. Pain is also a very good industrial band, and not well known at all.
>>By Tom (Tuesday, 29 Apr 2003 21:06)
Along with others I too came across this band; I was DLing songs from Samael... I saw Zeromancer and DLded like 5 songs.... The tunes are real catchy and sound real good. Suprise for me to like them. Because my genre is Black Metal, so it's like almost everything else I hear is crap, maybe Zeromancer can change it for me. They remind me somewhat of Coal Chamber.... :s
>>By Derek L. (Wednesday, 7 May 2003 05:20)
OK yeah zeromancer is the shit....eurotrash,, wannabe, yeah there just awesome no words can describe them. but i dont see why people complain about how other people havent heard of them. like they deserve the recognition, but if everyone knows about them stupid teenie boppers and posers will start likeing them and ruin them. im glad there not mainstream. but yeah i do need a shirt or poster or something besides there CD's if anyone knows where i can get them IM me my screen names Morbidangel608....thanks bye.
>>By Morbidangel608 (Thursday, 8 May 2003 22:12)
I havent heard of Zeromancer or heard their music, but by the way you guys talk about them, they sound awesome. I'm a huge fan of ORGY, so I heard about Zeromancer by accident. But if anyone has any info where I can get their cd's e-mail at me please. Thanks.
>>By Jazz (Thursday, 15 May 2003 23:27)
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