Xavier Naidoo


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He's so sensitive.He's master.Love Ya.

>>By Katja   (Friday, 8 Nov 2002 09:38)


>>By SANDHYA   (Wednesday, 13 Nov 2002 13:51)

Sieh mir noch einmal in die Augen baby,,bevor du gehst.....
Xavier is SUPER!!!!!He's master, No1,super funky boy!Yoyoyoyoyoyo!

>>By Hallo7   (Friday, 15 Nov 2002 15:35)

He is great... especially when he did stuff with the WAXOS! Xavier Is the best!

>>By SashaLovesXavier   (Monday, 18 Nov 2002 23:11)

were is he from? how long has he lived in germany? how old is he? he is great!

>>By NYbry   (Sunday, 24 Nov 2002 01:48)

Ich hore sehr gern die Musik von Xsavier. Ich habe einen wunsch an ihrem konzert zu gehen, aber habe ich nie genug geld dafur. Er hat leider Konzerte nur in Ostereich, Deutschland und in Schweiz denke ich. Er hat bei uns in Slowenia genug zuhorer ud wir wurden sehr fro sein wen er bei uns ein Konzert hatte. Wenn er ein Konzert in Graz oder in Klagenfurt spielt wurde ich gern kommen. Viele grusse an alle Fans von Nina aus Slowenien.

>>By nina - slowenien   (Monday, 25 Nov 2002 11:28)

Hello!! I come from France and i would like to tell you that i do like Xavier Naidoo!!! I hope him a lot of success and all the hapiness!!!!
Kisses, bye!!!!

>>By Hudânâ   (Wednesday, 27 Nov 2002 10:54)

Kisseeeeeeeees Xavier Naidoo!!!! You know what is my dream? to sing a duet with Boyz II Men...Donell Jones...and Xavier Naidoo!!!!!
What not?!hihi!! good bye...

>>By Hudana   (Wednesday, 27 Nov 2002 10:58)

he's a very handsome man, but that's obvious. apart from that, his lyrics are wonderful, every time he sings something, he tells a story. i'm from poland and ,to tell the truth i don't enjoy german music, and german language at all, but i'm glad he's the reason i listen to such music and i'm beginning to be interested in it. moreover, i would have no objections if he was my guy....:)

>>By agata   (Monday, 9 Dec 2002 16:43)

I dunno deutsch but this is my 1st time listening to this song, called Wo willst du hin, it sounds soooooooo cool I had to go on web to translate the lyrics and my god it almost made me cry. Darn i never listens to german music, i think i will only for Xavier Naidoo.
Keep up the good work and boy arent ya handsome. hehe

Sending lots of love and wishes from Canada

>>By Maria   (Monday, 23 Dec 2002 06:24)

Just wanna say that i'm from Croatia and i love this man. Songs are apsolutly fenomenal!!!! O and that voice! I just want to wish you all the happines in the world and keep on doing your thing!


>>By Banica   (Sunday, 19 Jan 2003 15:23)

He is amazing but see the thing is that i dont understand what he is saying
and they dont have his album here in Canada
i heard about him while i was back home in KOSOVA in Europe

So can some1 give me the English version of Bevor Du Gehst

>>By Donna   (Tuesday, 21 Jan 2003 18:28)


>>By ANNA   (Wednesday, 29 Jan 2003 15:59)

Xavier jest fantastyczny. Uwielbiam go s³uchac.!!!!!

>>By ela   (Saturday, 1 Feb 2003 15:18)

i love him

>>By maciej dziurkowski   (Sunday, 2 Feb 2003 04:57)

Xavier nale¿y do niewielu wra¿liwych facetów na ¶wiecie, chwa³a mu za to!
Niech zawsze pozostanie takim, jakim jest!

>>By eve   (Wednesday, 5 Feb 2003 00:35)

I absolutely love Xavier. Abschied Nehmen makes me cry! WOW!

>>By Girl from Canada   (Friday, 7 Feb 2003 21:13)

Hi!!! i only want to say that ,in first place, here in spain is too difficult, fin a cd of Xavier Naidoo, and if someone want to say me all the cd´s and songs that he sang with another people, i´d to thankful.He is the best. Well my email is sevimonti@hotmail.com. thanks so much anywhere.

P.D: sorry but my english is so bad. Bye."""ta otra""

>>By ana from Spain (Sevilla)   (Sunday, 9 Feb 2003 23:04)

I'm from Maryland U.S.A. And I absolutly love his music. There is a great site on the web that translates its call www.ilovelanguages.com I hope this helps some of his fans. It has helped me a lot. Enjoy! If your having trouble with that site write me cvakp@yahoo.com Cheers!

>>By Connie   (Wednesday, 19 Feb 2003 19:31)

dla mnie xavier jest wszystkim!!!!!!!jest najlepszym wykonawca niemieckim i nie tylko!!!nie znam na tyle niemieckiego zeby rozumiec w pelni jego tekstow lecz jego glos sprawia ze nie wazne sa jakiekolwiek slowa!!ma to cos co sprawia,ze jest wyjatkowym artysta-do tego dochodzi nieskazitelny wyglad!swietny glos...dusza...wizerunek.........XAVIER!!!!!!!podziwiam go za wszystko glownie za to ze jest tak bardzo oddany swojej religii!!!jesli chcialby ktos cos napisac na ten temat oliwia_211@op.pl DZIEKUJE,ZE JESTES....................................... :)

>>By oliwia(Polska)   (Tuesday, 25 Feb 2003 12:56)

I love Xavier Naidoo's song "Bevor Du Gehst"!!!! I first heard it when I went to Germany for the summer and ever since it is stuck in my head! I just wish I was over in Germany again so I could hear more cool hits from him. Keep rockin!!! *^-^*

>>By Kat   (Tuesday, 4 Mar 2003 04:39)

Abschied Nehmen song give us a great feeling for freindship and how we can be related for ever .So we should be honest and more freindly .finnaly we thank Xavier Naidoo for this symbolic message

>>By houcine&yassin aus Marokko   (Saturday, 15 Mar 2003 00:05)

he is the best.

>>By zvezda   (Sunday, 16 Mar 2003 15:00)

He is very sensual, he always make me horny.

>>By Melinda   (Sunday, 23 Mar 2003 13:53)

Xavier ich libe dich!
jest fantastyczny, uwielbiam go, jest jednym z tych muzyków którzy nigdy nie zawioda swoich fanow wyznaczyl sobie wysoki poziom juz przy pierwszej plycie i caly czas na nim jest a nie kazdy to potrafi.

>>By Joanna (Krakau - Polen)   (Friday, 28 Mar 2003 13:31)

he is gay

>>By joey ole   (Tuesday, 1 Apr 2003 03:44)

wow kilku Polaków....
ludzie Xavier odmieni³ moje ¿ycie...
dzieki niemu zaczê³am uczyæ siê niemieckiego, tan kraj sta³ sie moj¹ pasj¹...
œledzê wszystko co dotryczy Xavcia, ka¿d¹ woln¹ chwilê staram siê spêdzaæ w Niemczech....juz nied³ugo jadê na koncert....!!!!!
Ludzie zobaczê moj¹ gwiazduniê na ¿ywo....ale siê cieszê....
Zostawiam adres dla fanów z Polski i nie tylko... magi_xn@yahoo.de
Xavier zdobêdê ciê....

>>By magi_xn   (Tuesday, 8 Apr 2003 18:37)

Mam pare piosenek Xsaviera. S¹ super, ale niestety nie mogê nigdzie dostac jego p³yty. Jeœli ktoœ wie jek je zdobyæ, proszê o kontakt. dziêki. mój adres: gloria12@op.pl

>>By Agata   (Wednesday, 9 Apr 2003 09:30)

U r the best!!!!!Shame I can't buy ur album in Yerevan,Armenia:((.I love U!!!

>>By Yana   (Thursday, 10 Apr 2003 13:33)

I am from Latvia and He is my favourite singer, but I do not have his album but I would love to. I like his music just becouse of the soul in it!

>>By Lee   (Monday, 14 Apr 2003 15:09)

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