Vnv Nation
I love vnv nation . their music is unbelievable and their stage presence is breathtaking
>>By KrazyGothgirl (Saturday, 21 Dec 2002 23:13)
Totally Awesome !!!!!!! The Depeche Mode and Trance of the millennium.........
>>By Rambo (Thursday, 26 Dec 2002 22:56)
Saw them unintentionally on Lowlands festival 2002.
Turned out to be the best act i saw. Very strong !!
>>By Philippe Dykmans (Tuesday, 31 Dec 2002 18:32)
Just love VNV Nation, there music warms my soul, catches in my chest & makes me want to dance all at the same time.
>>By zombie/king ink (Wednesday, 15 Jan 2003 07:10)
I LOVE vnv nation. once i descovered their music, it totally changed my veiw of this type of music. it touches my mind, soul and body as i listen to it!
>>By Blackkat (Monday, 3 Feb 2003 20:11)
Sounds waaaay too much like Covenant. Does anybody notice that? No? (Sunday, 9 Feb 2003 03:50)
V.N.V. Nation has an unbelievable sound and an inspirational voice. What a great find! Goes to show that music through the radio is just all crap released from managers around boardrooms thinking only of money and what sells.
>>By Sebastian (Monday, 10 Feb 2003 13:54)
Good strong industrial sound. I enjoy their music and lyrics, one of the better "new" industrial bands of today. Sounds too much like Covenant? They have more time in the industry than them. Ignorant ass....
>>By BlackSunrise (Wednesday, 19 Feb 2003 11:27)
VnV Nation is one of the best EBM bands out there,his music and voice finds a new meaning to different music.Guru if i may say!
>>By Jeremy Sabornido (Tuesday, 4 Mar 2003 09:22)
Creative, refreshing and imaginative. A band which was overdue in the world of underground music, there style is different to anybody elses, there are too many groups out there which sounds the same and it needed VNV Nation to break that deadlock, all the best lads.
>>By WEBBY (Wednesday, 5 Mar 2003 21:26)
Refreshing!... VNV Nation is one of the best group in all the EBM scene;
>>By Bezedash (Monday, 24 Mar 2003 19:28)
A friend of mine met VNV. Ronan Harris nearly vomited on her.
>>By Orridge (Tuesday, 8 Apr 2003 05:02)
what - is she that gorgeous??
>>By forkboy (Friday, 18 Apr 2003 08:39)
No, he was just drunk out of his mind.
>>By Orridge (Saturday, 19 Apr 2003 06:13)
>>By julie (Sunday, 27 Apr 2003 21:35)
They were good until Futureperfect. They're basically bad '92 rave-techno now... sucks...
... And though "Beloved" and "Airships" were amazing songs, it wasn't enough to make that album not suck. (Wednesday, 14 May 2003 01:56)
VNV is not the nations best ... no offence to everyone who loves them but hey Im downloading some of there songs any good?.. I have all of assemblage23 songs in my kazza but I need some unv nation and icon of coil and stuff?
>>By Ashley (Monday, 26 May 2003 21:06)
VNV Nation changed my views on songwriting, music as a whole, and everything else. I cant wait to see what new stuff they give us, and would love to find them playing live sometime.
>>By Paradox (Thursday, 29 May 2003 02:56)
Kind of worn out...
>>By radamant (Wednesday, 11 Jun 2003 20:06)
Best Industrial group today ! Electronaut is one of their best songs. Crank it and floor it.
>>By awsum69 (Saturday, 21 Jun 2003 23:04)
vnv nation is one of the most vindictive omnitrusive compenents of melodramatic ryhme scemes that celestial bodies have ever reviered. kudos to them!!!
>>By briangi99 (Monday, 30 Jun 2003 04:16)
does anyone have any of their songs on kaaza--i am searching for the song epic center--
>>By moth (Wednesday, 16 Jul 2003 20:08)
VNV Nation is just all around good stuff. Ronan knows his stuff, he's like a painter, he doesn't sit and ponder what people want to hear, he doesn't sit and ponder what's going to sell. He puts his own soul on the canvas regardless, and he doesn't settle for "good enough". if it isn't just right, he doesn't produce it. about that comment on covenant, vnv and covenant...that's like comparing black and white. i'm sure you can find similarities in any synth band...but if you think one sounds *too much* like any other band, you're looking at music the wrong way, you're just listening to it, which is fine.. but it's the feeling of it that's different, it's got a whole different, unique soul. every band that writes their own music without a deadline does. whether it's worth a crap or not is another thing.
>>By Bishop+ (Wednesday, 23 Jul 2003 03:21)
I think VNV is great but it seems inspired lately on most of covenant work, remember that covenant first album appeared in 1993 (dreams of a cryotank), while VNV first album appeared in 1995 (advance and follow), it is true that teh band is playing since 1990, but i think it has been influenced by covenant, which is good because some of the vnv songs are sometimes better than those of covenant, but if you listen carefully to both of them you'll find big differences in concept, covenant is far more industrial as front 242 and combines it with melodic in the Depeche mode way, while VNV is searching something more gothic. Both bands are excelent, and we should feel happy taht they exist bringing those new songs to our minds, bodys and souls. THX.
>>By abarbera (Sunday, 28 Sep 2003 01:22)
VNV have a great sound. There lyrics tend to cherish and praise oblivion in such a beautiful way. A sort of high energy pessimism.
:::At the end of days.... :::At the end of time.....
:::When the sun burns out.... :::Will any of this matter.....
(Lyrics from Further)
See what I mean?
>>By Trankmast (Tuesday, 30 Sep 2003 23:01)
i think VNV Nation are very much over rated, from an outside view i would say that for one, all the songs sound the same, and in truth they do, the best song he wrote was "standing" and the only grain of goodness in his other songs is that they sometimes remind me of "standing". compared to the other bands in the scene, such as Covenant, Apoptygma Berzerk, Melotron, Assemblage 23 and others, VNV is by far the worst act in the entire crowd. also the live show is a joke, a computer and a fat guy do not spell great show to me, the screens and lights, fine whatever, i could stand up there with his lap top and put on a better show. he plays nothing live, which is stupid to me, being a musician maybe i have an odd outlook on things, but being an electronic musician i know what he does wrong, and what people like stephan groth, andy kreuger and depeche mode do very much right. besides all of this, harris has made an ass out of himself in the limited press he gets, declaring himself "fututre pop" which was a name given to Covenant years before his fat ass rolled on the scene. if anyone out there likes VNV a lot, i say to you this, you could get a decent synth with preprogrammed patches about as good as what he puts on records, there is nothing at all special about ronin harris or his music. i almost went to see him dj in Chicago last month just to tell him how useless i thought he was, but i didn't want to sit in a car for 90 minutes just to get it off my chest.
>>By mannloon (Wednesday, 3 Dec 2003 08:03)
I can't stop playing everything VNV I own. It's like an addiction. Heartfelt , heartbreaking, hopeful. Dance and cry. Dance and fight the darkness. Face the light. Regardless of the loops and synth hooks (who doesn't like a good hook?), there is a poetic humanity to VNV which isn't captured very often.
>>By Dahntalon (Wednesday, 3 Mar 2004 03:46)
VNV Nation expresses the music I feel inside. It's me talking through them. Not many artists can make you feel like their songs are yours. VNV Nation are one of the best bands out there.
>>By Sussy915 (Friday, 19 Mar 2004 04:12)
VNV nation has an awesome sound and great song writing. I thank God that bands like VNV nation exist considering that the entire pop scene of today totally sucks and is way to commercialized for my liking. Hopefully the pop scene doesn't catch on to this stuff and ruins these bands like they have to others in the past. I seen one of the post in here is just a guy bashing VNV nation. Silly rabbit don't you know music is a matter of taste. Just because something doesn't appeal to your taste doesn't constitute it as being bad. Unless somehow you became the center of the musical universe and are the say all of what is good and what is not good.
>>By Mixalplexx (Wednesday, 14 Jul 2004 07:45)
the US is unfortunately unaware of VNV ... they are awesome thru the goth scene. i luv them.
>>By Mistress Blue (Thursday, 5 Aug 2004 21:11)
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