Toreros Muertos


please: english posts only. thank you.   (Wednesday, 11 Dec 2002 11:03)

i'm a spanish boy, and I want to talk about toreros muertos because in the 80's were one of the most important group in spain with songs like On the desk, Yo no me llamo Javier, Mi agüita amarilla or Manolito. They created a new style of music, that continuous the named Movida madrileña, with another groups like Alaska, Hombres G, Nacha Pop, Tequila, etc.
For me and for a lot of people, Toreros was a new kind to talk about music. Pablo Carbonell, the leader, is today one of the best showmans in spain. Only comparable with the new spanish star DAVID BUSTAMANTE

>>By THE BARAJA KING   (Saturday, 21 Dec 2002 16:32)

Great... I still hear them almost every day. They're really fresh and funny. Pablo Carbonell keep us crazy in this boring world... Try Toreros Muertos...

>>By Ricardo   (Friday, 24 Jan 2003 00:49)

Toreros muertos deliver a message not only crisp and funny but also deep and conscious about many problems that affect our world. Also brings back memories and sometimes tears by transporting us back to those 80`s that we hope they come back.

p.s. Mundo caracol is close to impossible to find in the USA and never mentioned in most websites.


>>By carlos   (Thursday, 15 May 2003 23:43)

Their best song is "bares, bares", and it's so hard to find.. also, there's no website about them on the web, no lyrics, no info, nada compadre.. :(

>>By Hernan   (Monday, 19 May 2003 23:47)

What the hell!!

It's incredible! I'm a spanish guy and for good's shake i'cant belive that i can find those... People talkin 'bout Los Toreros Muertos in ENGLISH???
That's a great band and one of the most funny groups that spain bring to the humanity.

And of course My name is not Javier

Ps: Sorry for my english

>>By Ender   (Wednesday, 9 Jul 2003 16:28)

imaginate soy polaco y para mi la musica mejor de espanol son los toreros muertos! :)

>>By pinche culero   (Thursday, 10 Jul 2003 16:44)

Hi guys, I'm latin, live in USA and I have Mundo Caracol lp transfered to cd, I could make copies, I know its impossible to get it, I got an old lp copy back in my country, years ago. I'm desperately looking for "Bares Bares" if any of you have it or want to trade... I also looking for mundo caracol, yeah impossible, I have the whole album recorded on minidisc.
please e-mail me guys we can exchange material. thanks

>>By gabolito   (Monday, 29 Sep 2003 07:39)

"Creo que sin duda alguna podre decir que si estos gueyes no les dan un grammy postumo es porque verdaderamente no existe justicia en el mundo ..y siendo honestos reconozcamos que jamas ha existido una banda de rock en español con letras muy dañadas como las del Pablo Carbonell salvo...Siniestro Total pero en fin Los Toreros Muertos tocan muy chingón..!! "

ps: si alguien tiene material de ellos que quisiera compartir
algunos MP3 mi e-mail es

>>By El ASNO MAYOR   (Saturday, 10 Jan 2004 04:35)

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