The Monkees
wttttaaaebhtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttrhhhhhhhnnnnna a a rrhnn drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrn n dn rrtn tn robo my monkey loves the monkees music and that was his tribute to them.
>>By robodude (Monday, 17 Feb 2003 20:07)
I love the monkees so much i can't get enough of them and i don't think i will ever get over it
>>By v_stronialways (Thursday, 13 Mar 2003 02:12)
I guess nobody else uses this so i will. I will write about the monkees who are my favorite band. I don't know what to write so anyway. Micky Peter Davy and Mike rock so much. I am going to read The Long Sandy Hair Mike this week, so far it is awesome. I have all the cds and I am constantly looking for more so if anyone has any hints, it would be great
>>By v_stronialways (Thursday, 13 Mar 2003 02:18)
Hey again! Just surfing and thought i would stop by. I am listening to the monkees now yes i am, the song: Salesman sung by Mike Nesmith it rocks!
>>By v_stronialways (Thursday, 13 Mar 2003 19:05)
Although they did not play their own instruments or write their songs WHO CARES ! they sound great it dosen't matter about their instrument skills or their song writing abilities all that matters is can they sing. Believe me they can sing and they have many smash hits if u haven't got into The Monkees u should start now.
>>By Dominick Peti (Sunday, 20 Apr 2003 14:22)
can ne 1 send me a link plz of "pleasent valley sunday" for download for free plz? my e-mail Thank you
>>By paddy090 (Tuesday, 17 Jun 2003 00:20)
The Monkees do play their own instruments, and write their own songs. For details see "Music box" an excelent collection of their music and history.
The soundtrack to "Head" is essential listening for any-one who wants to know whats goin' on.
Mike Nesmith is my father figure.
Hello Papa Nez!!!!!!
>>By burning man (Thursday, 6 Jan 2005 23:59)
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