The Magnetic Fields
are there magnetic feilds around philidelphia PA and norfolk VA. and how strong are they?
>>By mike (Tuesday, 19 Nov 2002 02:42)
i'm doing a science project on magnets (Friday, 10 Jan 2003 05:12)
I'm the ugliest guy on manchesters west side. hoooohoooooooo
>>By baconlvr (Friday, 21 Feb 2003 22:21)
yes there are i to am doing a science fair project on them and i heard that u can graph them with just iron shavings isnt that cool! WB
>>By kyle (Wednesday, 23 Apr 2003 00:40)
you can never make people listen to things. you can only hear yourself.
>>By ashley (Saturday, 5 Jul 2003 18:45)
i love this band they are totally awesome, 69 love sings is a must have
>>By the grizzly (Monday, 5 Jul 2004 06:12)
Why are so few pepople discussing them? Magnetic fields are soo good. 69 Love Songs, I and Get Lost are all must have, must listen albums
>>By Gautama (Thursday, 3 Feb 2005 12:03)
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