Sum 41
i luv sum 41!
i love the strokes, but i still thought that the vid for "still waiting" was f*cking hilarious!!!
>>By Rockerchic (Thursday, 7 Nov 2002 00:38)
Sum 41 are comming to Plymouth SHIT HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
>>By Zombie 41 (Thursday, 7 Nov 2002 09:55)
Sum 41 is the best band . I dont really care if any body else likes them. Their New videoStill Waiting is really cool. Steves an amazing drummer , Daves a wicked guitar player, Cones an awesome bass player and Derycks just cool. I want to start a band with my friends Sonya and Mark.Steves my inspiration to start playing the drums. When I first heard Sum 41, I knew I wanted to play Drums.
>>By Katie (Thursday, 7 Nov 2002 19:30)
I'm sick of these fake made bands the guys whos' there fan holds hand with a man there just fuckin punks who think there diferent like funk but they're just the same old fuckin junk fuckin blonde bom still livin with his mom thinks he's never wrong still stuck on the bong ordering food from a guy named wong, chung has a gun it'll be fun don't run motha fucka i'm a truck yah little sucka come on Joaany your pretty lonely listenin to somethin that phony wel now it's time to end my rhyme so until next time don't listen to sum unless yah like cum
>>By pinball pimp (Saturday, 9 Nov 2002 06:36)
whats with all this hate? y do you have yo hate someone b/c they don't like your favourite band? what does that have to do w/ anything? this is whats wrong with this world. people are protecting things that are unimportant. who cares if people don't like SUM41, I care that we are becoming more american every day. all our music is going there and they are claiming for thier own. stand up for your country not your music. stand up for people, not musicians. they ahve more than enough money. your support doesn't mean anything to them.
P.S. Sum41 is a goddamned BOY BAND created ny Grieg Nori from Treble Charger!
>>By WTF (Sunday, 10 Nov 2002 14:05)
There new album is f**kin amazin!! Cone is just the coolest person ever!! Hope u all buy the new album!! Sum 41 just RULE! Cant wait 2 c them on feb 2nd in nottingham Inabit ppl!!
>>By Pig (Friday, 15 Nov 2002 12:18)
I have been listening to sum 41 for a while and I thought they were pretty cool. But it wasn't till I saw their new video, then watched this thing on muchmusic about them, that I become really addicted to them. Now their my favorite band, their so cool!
>>By Ashh (Saturday, 16 Nov 2002 19:14)
Sum 41 It's a great band. I think they Deryck is most beautiful boy in the world, Steve is graet percussionist and Cone with Dave are best players guitare. HEY! Fuck everybody who don't like Sum 41! I LOVE THEM!I LOVE DERYCK!
>>By Love -Dee! (Sunday, 17 Nov 2002 12:35)
i think that ppl who like sum 41 just cuz their hot arn't proper fans. people should like them cuz they make shit gud music not cuz of anything else
>>By pb (Sunday, 17 Nov 2002 20:47)
Hey hey hey, well well well i have heard many tracks by sum*41 off their new album and its fucking amazin! well i would like to say me and my mates have made a tribute band to these great people! people say i look abit like deryck i dont think so at all! Where that comes from i do not know! ell the tribute band is called The Sums! (from their new album)
Scoot(me) - Lead vocals/Bassist
Matt - Lead guitar
Jonesy - Rythm guitar
Bal - Drums
>>By Scoot - The tribute band the sums (Sunday, 17 Nov 2002 23:43)
I LOVE DERYCK but you all are hott too and you need more pictures ok. i love you guys soooooooooooo much i cant wait to see you guys in concert!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU DERYCK!
love ashley
>>By ashley (Wednesday, 20 Nov 2002 23:51)
has any one noticed how good connys nipples are erect
derycks nipples are better unerect
>>By basf (Thursday, 21 Nov 2002 23:00)
OMG u guyz rock! i still can't believ i met u guyz in person! u guyz are the nicest people on earth! and STEVE.... omg... u were so nice to me and my friend! we luv u! and u guyz have the greatest shows! i totally luv u guyz! and Derek.... ur my favourite guy in the world! "oh yeah.... CANADIAN girls kick ass" lol i LOVE you guyz! *_* lol! i cant wait till next year when u guyz come to toronto! (hell yeah baby) lol
>>By Bizzy's Gurl! (Thursday, 21 Nov 2002 23:29)
Sum 41 remind me of my friends from home! Dave is dead sexy! And they worked hard to play heavy metal like they always wanted!
>>By PlayboySushi (Friday, 22 Nov 2002 16:30)
ok, this is what pisses me the fuck off...ive liked this band for 5 fucking year and all you fucking so called big fans dont even know them or who they are...they are a kick ass band and i have been obsessed with him ever since i 1st saw them at a concert BEFORE half hour of power came out so fuck all you people who think you know them...and i hate all the teeny boppers who are like "omg they are so hot" its not about the looks...or fame...ive liked them forever before ANYBODY who knew who the fuck they fuck all u posers who think you kno who the fuck they are!!!!
>>By Vanessa (Saturday, 23 Nov 2002 05:07)
Today I saw some video with my belova Sum 41, and it was great! Deryck was sooooo sexy, (Cone too:), I think thay are BEST BEST BEST band in the world, I lova De fucking much!!
>>By Love-Dee (Saturday, 23 Nov 2002 15:59)
Sum 41 is the best band I have ever heard and seen.They are funny,crazy,hilarious and very gifted.And I personnaly think deryck and Jason(the real name of Cone)are so good-looking,sexy...I can't stop thinking about them.I LOVE THIS BAND!!!
>>By Bizzy-Cone (Sunday, 24 Nov 2002 18:53)
they sold out from where there from and say that ajax sucks well they suck still lyfe rulez
>>By ajax muthafuka (Monday, 25 Nov 2002 21:12)
Sum 41 fucken rox.. not to mention that DERYCK!! is the hottest guy EVER!!! cones a wiked guitarist and so's DAve.. Stevo is hilarious!
>>By Bizzys chick (Monday, 25 Nov 2002 23:37)
what the hell?! yeah i love sum41 but christ they're not punks!! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR POSER HEADS!!!
>>By ¤!Robyn!¤ (Tuesday, 26 Nov 2002 06:33)
whos got standing tickets?
I hope theres not gonna be any moshin!
>>By tom (Tuesday, 26 Nov 2002 14:02)
Sum 41 kix ASS!!! Have u seen the video 4 Still wating?? its f*cking rox!!! First time i heard them, I was totaly inspired! Me and a coupld of my friends are going to make a band, we thot of the name "best name taken" its pretty chill. anywaze, this site kix ass! sum 41 kix ass! *thier HOT n SEXY!!!*...i'll keep u posted! L8r dayz!!! Peace the f*ck out!!!
-|\/| ! @
>>By punk_ch!ck_4_life (Wednesday, 27 Nov 2002 01:54)
hey, vanessa, what the fuck is ur problem??? back off! holy shit! just because ur thier so called number 1 fan doesnt mean u gottah fuckin bitch at us!!! we're aalowed to like thier fuckin music too! besides, dont fuckin tell us what to do! i'm allowed to fucking think thier hot, they are, and thats not the only fuckin reason i like them ok! the hole fuckin world duznt revolve around u OK!!! fuckin lay OFF!!!!!!!!!
- |\/| ! @
>>By punk_ch!ck_4_life (Wednesday, 27 Nov 2002 01:58)
deryks hair is so amazing!
>>By dunkin donuts (Wednesday, 27 Nov 2002 18:35)
will sasso is funny
do you smoke? you do now, how do you like that?
>>By blow me (Friday, 29 Nov 2002 16:08)
im not really into there type a music cuz i like heavier metal n stuff but-sum 41 rox! i got into wheni wuz ten n now im lik 14 n they still rock! i havent seen the new video but i kno it awesome- all killer no filler sucked n my favorite song is T.H.T.oh yeah- to top off they rock- there all pretty hott too its hard bein the only rocker gurl at my skool
>>By gothgurl (Saturday, 30 Nov 2002 01:51)
deryck looks soooo much like orlando bloom ( he plays legolas in lord of the rings ( a total hottie)). sum 41 and blink-182 are the best punk bands ever!!!
>>By tom d's girl (Saturday, 30 Nov 2002 21:02)
Deryck is soooo fuckin HOT! He is so cute.
I love the film clip to Still Waiting it is so Hilarious, how they smash everthing, I like that. Sum 41 is the best punk band alive, their music makes feel good and I can't stop banging my head to their music. I'm like the only gurl in my class who likes em the rest of em are like into Britaney Spears pretty sad huh.
by kit kat (Sunday, 1 Dec 2002 08:14)
hey! i LURVE sum 41, they r tha best band eva! i saw tha video clip for fat lip in july last yr, and the only reason why i really noticed sum 41 in tha first place was because i though that cone amd bizzy d were HOT! (oh yeh, and i loved tha song too!). i got all killer no filler after that, and i got does this look infected as soon as it came out here in australia. unfortunetly, i missed sum 41 @ livid this yr, but i cant wait to see them live soon (when r they cuming to australia again???). i'm a huge fan, and listen to their albums all the time. I LUV SUM!!!
>>By punk_rocka_41 (Tuesday, 3 Dec 2002 09:13)
omg! derek from sum 41 is the hottest guy on the existence of earth! he is soooooo hot! i have like a million pictures of him on my wall alone
>>By olivia (Wednesday, 4 Dec 2002 22:27)
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