The lady is love, sex & romance all wrapped up into one nicely-put-together package.
>>By Jack (Wednesday, 4 Dec 2002 20:02)
hey wuz up u are a great singer so keep doin what u doin cuz u is great
>>By LIL-C (Thursday, 19 Dec 2002 00:05)
there must've been an angel by my side...something help me get it thru you...look at the sky..its the color of love..u gave me the 'kiss of life' i love that tunes...
>>By hallucinogirL (Sunday, 23 Feb 2003 06:26)
For one I love her music for one I get dumbhigh to her music and her suthing voice helps me go to sleep at night she has alot of talent I would'nt mind putting on a stripshow for her.
>>By CALI (Wednesday, 19 Mar 2003 19:20)
sade's music makes me want to change my name. when i hear her music i am NOT hard2pls - lol.
my fiance and I have chosen By My Side as our song. The words speaks a thousand volume. " know me better than that and do think i leave u on your knees, I wouldnt do that.......and when the tears start to come, i'll be there to dry your eyes......
What more can I say......
>>By hard2pls (Monday, 31 Mar 2003 22:41)
I want to know more about THE FIRST LADY OF COOL! I want to find HER LIVE AID performance (13.07.1985) on video (buy or copy)! And more raririties (45s, CDs, 12''s, LPs, OSTs, related), information (books, articles), merchandising (posters,calendars,stickers etc)! I want to find SADE fellow fans! Write me: Alex Pacalov, 221flat, 17 house, Tchobotovskaya st, Moscow, Russia, 119634 (index). phone:8-095-7312899
>>By rosco (Wednesday, 7 May 2003 03:41)
We love you sade. When we first got together he introduced mt to her and now i love her. i wish and hope and pray every day that she would sign our song "by your side" at our wedding. thats my one true wish. we are truley fans of yours Sade.
>>By Candice and Paul (Tuesday, 15 Jul 2003 21:50)
Now this is what i call real classy;) Unlike Whitney Houston who sings like a mateing cat/crackhead Sade delivers a sexy yet smooth voice which is soulful and does not sound like some generic egotistical stuck up cunt who makes her life a public joke. Thank god for Sade.
>>By HappycoreTechnoAngel (Monday, 1 Sep 2003 09:36)
Love "Lover's Rock" - finest piece of music for a long time. She is my inspiration - weird really, as I'm old enough to be her dad. I love hearing her voice and singing her songs. God blessed us with Sade. Sands
>>By sands (Wednesday, 19 Oct 2005 21:00)
If, I ever meet Sade, I will ask her to marry me. Sade = Diva.
>>By Lxuk (Wednesday, 21 May 2008 07:59)
Absolutely beautiful lady.
>>By musicaddict (Thursday, 24 Feb 2011 17:47)
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