One of the best bands of the nineties, such a complete sound, such good lyrics and diversity between the albums.. I am happy they still are making music together, but it is such a shortage for the world that you cannot see them live anymore.. there are few bands that give soo much energy from the stage to the public.. I have sen them live 6 times or so, and havent been able to stand still for one stinking moment during any of the shows.... and normally people complain that I don't move..... so it should mean something....
>>By Campking (Thursday, 25 Sep 2003 18:44)
I have never been to see them and I've only got one album so far but I love it. I found out about them through various discussion sites on Jellyfish and ReddKross. Have you seen the Polyphonic Spree live they really do get yer bones movin. I even saw people doing the conga when I went to see them. They definitely give off energy. I felt really excited like they were some kind of aural amphetamine or something. I heard that the Posies had split this year though or was it just that they aren't going to play live anymore?
>>By retrojetter (Thursday, 30 Oct 2003 19:10)
They aren't recording as band any more, the still do somethings as the duo, just Jon Auer and Ken Stringfellow and they are doing loads of solo stuff, especially Kenneth Stringfellow. Jon Auer is focussing more on producing works, of some nice bands, though I don't recall their names momentarily. And their first drummer is now in , fuck what is the name of that band again, Super fury animals? No, Fountains of Wayne..... at least he was last time I heard....
>>By Campking (Friday, 9 Jul 2004 15:40)
Everyone who missed out on this band, really missed out on something special. Especially the album Frosting on The beater should had been a big hit, not the small succes that it was. The album is full with 11 potential Indie hits, but for some reason only a small group of people wanted to realize this. I loved them. Their solo recordings, aren't as special as what they did together, but that's what happens always with solo careers after being in such a super band....
>>By Joris Spikkelaar (Friday, 9 Jul 2004 17:14)
i finally bought failure. Thank god for the repressings. in order of the 15 year celebration of their excistence the rereleased failure (which was first releasedin 1988) and I have it.. Yeehoo. It is not as good as all the later records, but you defenatly hear the potential that the 17 year old posies already had when they started recording this album. So iof you want your discography together go out and get it.
>>By Joris Spikkelaar (Monday, 12 Jul 2004 12:55)
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