Philip Glass
His music is intellectually poignant. It's incredibly romantic. The minimalism enervates my imagination. It's like reading a good book. Glass' works reminds me of Ayn Rand and her philosophy. He is the John Galt of music. He and Richard Halley are metaphysical brothers.
>>By Dorman (Thursday, 15 May 2003 02:53)
The stuff I have thus far listened to and love is Einstein on the Beach and 1000 Airplanes on the Roof. I don't know if that's enough recognition of his music to say Philip Glass is passionate and brilliant.
>>By mon (Monday, 7 Jun 2004 20:22)
Hi, i´ve just discovered Glass and i think he is very interesting. Havent heard much of his work yet but he speaks to my mind and intellect.What i like about the music is that it has a depth and width that makes it very futuristic. It reminds me of science fiction...
>>By julie (Thursday, 2 Dec 2004 19:32)
I just saw Naqoyqats which has the most wonderful soundtrack by Philip Glass. An existential-audio giant, the man can really define an image or concept with his music. I definately recommend this film to anyone into experimental work. Glass did the music for the recent "Fog of War." These two films have very similar sounds and themes. I agree with julie in the previous log that someof his music is futuristic and science fictionesque. On the other hand, it has a certain way of capturing our collective human history, especially certain aspects of our history like war, violence, and run-away ideas. The dark music is very appropriate and honest.
>>By Hume Ungus (Friday, 28 Jan 2005 12:50)
I started to get into Philip Glass recently after watching the movie Naqoyqatsi which is something that requires a severe amount of patience but pays off for the wonderful rhythms of life we seem to ignore.
After a lot of digging around, I finally managed to obtain a copy of the 1989 album "Piano Solo" which is fits in very comfortably with my preference of music with more spaces in it.
I have yet to hear Einstien on the Beach but from what I have heard so far, this is incredible talent which as well as being as far away from his mainstream classical peers, is incredibly easy to listen to and certainly, one of the most beautiful artists of present day.
>>By Neural Flux (Monday, 19 Dec 2005 20:20)
A couple of years ago I saw an opera where the orchestra was playing music that glass composed. I was very touched. Recently I downloaded Aguas De Amazonias, music he himself composed and a Brazilian group Uakti performed. It's really beautiful music....I also downloaded Passages a collaboration with Ravi Shankar and really is too splendid for words ;)
>>By balloons!! (Sunday, 21 Jan 2007 05:10)
Argh, I cant stand Phillip Glass. To me it's just a load of random noises not music. However I can stand the work of John Adams - Short Ride in a Fast Machine. Just a matter of prefrence.
>>By SweetSerenity (Sunday, 21 Jan 2007 12:32)
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