Neil Young
he makes me hooorny
>>By niel slut (Tuesday, 12 Nov 2002 21:46)
Dear Neil: It was so much fun celebrating your birthday. It's just past midnite and I wanted to tell you how much your music means to me. It keeps me alive, sane, healthy, surviving, thriving. I love you. You are always in my prayers..........the rusted bridge angel
>>By bridge angel (Wednesday, 13 Nov 2002 09:43)
Neil... I wanna party with yoooooouuuuu!!!!!
>>By blingbling baller (Monday, 13 Jan 2003 20:03)
you da man neil...... you da man
>>By choup (Monday, 13 Jan 2003 20:05)
it might be strange sometimes how a public person like an artist can bring so much to people. You really drew a bright light picture in my soul all along the way, Neil, and helped me a lot to keep going on.
>>By (Monday, 24 Feb 2003 18:25)
hey Neil you are the best Canadian music artist of all time...of course you already know that but if you dont well then YOU ARE!!!!! So don't forget it or else. Or else what? Or else nothing I guess. But you are still the best. Take care of your self man, honoured to be your fan Cody Middaugh
>>By Denton (Friday, 2 May 2003 16:33)
neil your music taught me a lot about life!!! '' I'ts a cold bowl of chilie when love lets you down, but it's the neighbors wife I'm after.''
>>By tiny (Sunday, 29 Jun 2003 05:54)
Niel you are truly one of the most talented musicians out there...You keep laying them down and we will keep buying them..Looking forward to seeing you again in St.Louis ..I havent missed a show yet..Bring back some of the "trans" songs in your show
>>By John (Thursday, 17 Jul 2003 11:20)
neil when i'm down you bring me up, thanks for Unplugged it got me playing guitar..............
>>By CockneyJock (Wednesday, 15 Oct 2003 23:28)
I love how neil keeps up with the latest in digital technology--whether it be HDCDor DVD-Audio. The higher the sampling rate and word length, the more analog the sound.
Heard "Harvest" on DVD-Audio stereo? It sounds awesome!
>>By mad scientist (Thursday, 16 Oct 2003 07:18)
Am I the only one? I thought "TRANS" was a cool departure
>>By mad scientist (Thursday, 16 Oct 2003 07:20)
I luv neil young.
>>By Jane (Friday, 14 May 2004 02:12)
I normally don't like the guitar solo but Neil is the only one (along with the walkabouts) who can pull it off. Respect!
>>By thom (Sunday, 16 May 2004 21:32)
Maybe that's because his guitar solo's don't sound like guitar solo's. They are all in favour of the song.......
>>By Campking (Monday, 17 May 2004 02:35)
i normally collecting song from neil, its wonderful, sound like no problem anytime
>>By dale (Wednesday, 23 Jun 2004 10:58)
Welfare mothers make better lovers. Neil lever lets you down either.
>>By Urvan (Tuesday, 6 Jul 2004 13:13)
Neil young
Long may you run! Long may you run!! thanks for some great music
>>By van zee (Tuesday, 20 Jul 2004 11:23)
I bought Greatest Hits and I love it, actually I'm listening to it right now! He's soo talented!
>>By Jane (Friday, 28 Jan 2005 04:06)
I can't believe this discussion doesn't even have more than one page. He is one of the greatest musicians out there. His music ranges quite a bit. You have a song like comes a time that's country, hey hey my my that's rock, and the needle and the damage done which could be kind of like folk. I love all of his music and I'm looking forward to his new album coming out September 18th! Rock on Neil, I love you!
>>By Jane (Monday, 8 Aug 2005 05:30)
September 27, sorry*
>>By Jane (Monday, 8 Aug 2005 05:33)
lots of people think "it's better to burn out than to fade away" is Kurts Cobains quote. It's actually Neil Youngs, said in My My, Hey Hey. jeez hah
>>By Jane (Wednesday, 10 Aug 2005 20:23)
Uh alright I guess I'm the only one talks about him but I haven't been able to get the new cd yet. Does anyone have it, and is it good?
>>By Jane (Sunday, 16 Oct 2005 23:44)
....Is simply Excellent
>>By Da Blues (Tuesday, 17 Apr 2007 20:00)
recently been sifting through my father's cd collection and started listening to neil young. again...i really appreciate his sense of wonder portrayed in his music....
>>By balloons!! (Friday, 27 Jul 2007 21:07)
...and he is a magician in music, something very special. It's wonderful you guys really get the idea!
>>By Vallerius (Thursday, 2 Aug 2007 22:17)
Proud to have my voice compared to Neil's.
>>By Chrismathewsjr (Friday, 24 Oct 2008 01:39)
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