Neil Diamond


I want MP3s

>>By MP3   (Tuesday, 19 Nov 2002 20:19)

Why don't you get in "Solitary Star" at more reasonable prices??? $112.00 is just
too expensive for most of us!

>>By Shirley Silver   (Sunday, 2 Feb 2003 09:20)

You can't say better "I love you" like he said in "The Story of my Live". He ist a Genius of Lyric. And his music touch your heart. If you once be a fan of him, you be it forever.

>>By Peter   (Wednesday, 5 Mar 2003 15:07)

By the way Peter, The Story of My Life was actually a song to his father who had passed away. It occasionally sounds like a song to his wife("Just knowing somewhere deep inside that our affair just might write the story of my life) but you are right - it doesn't get much better than this.

>>By JohnBoy   (Friday, 14 Mar 2003 00:49)

Neil Diamond's music is simply unique ! A living musical icon of our times.

Truly a gem of our our generation...

>>By Sandeep Mukherjee, India   (Wednesday, 16 Apr 2003 10:10)

I think that Neil is a most loving, caring, talented man (not necessarily in that order). He's
managed to keep his private life private, and that is a great gift to his children. I adore

>>By Nina   (Sunday, 8 Jun 2003 09:11)

I'm gay for Neil

>>By Wide "F"   (Saturday, 21 Jun 2003 01:58)

I love Neil Diamond's Sweet Caroline! I'm 14 and my aunt had a pre-mature baby girl named Caroline so now I am canstantly humming the song and its driving my two brother nuts! Neil Diamond is great!

>>By Alley   (Monday, 30 Jun 2003 06:02)

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