looking for tickets to a sold out columbus show...
please someone help!!!!!!
>>By dying for mud tickets (Thursday, 7 Nov 2002 01:15)
Mudvayne is by the far the best, most technical band ever, and they are my inspiration for music today. Keep doing it guys!
>>By Messick (Saturday, 9 Nov 2002 00:34)
Hey, I like circus freak!!!!!....mudvayne is kinda like them....does anyone know of ANY other bands like mudvayne and circus freak????????!!!!!!!! please tell me
>>By CirCus FreaK (Sunday, 10 Nov 2002 20:42)
I went to the last show it was garbage with out the drums though...
Cant help you though, I cant find any more groups like that either. mudvayne pretty cool too. and slipknot. but weres the real NAR?
somone find us some more NAR!!!!
>>By 1big wang (Sunday, 10 Nov 2002 20:50)
the best song of the end of all things to come , is definetly world so cold!!!
>>By mimmik (Monday, 11 Nov 2002 07:58)
MuDvAyNe is the best band that was ever created. without them, I wouldn't be who I am today. They made my whole world. Music means everything to me. They are what I listen to every day of my life. By the way, I wrote the thing that's above this (kud is soo hot). Just, whatever you guys do, never drop outta the band, cause your songs kick ass, and they mean alot to me.
>>By Amanada (Tuesday, 12 Nov 2002 17:57)
yo these days all I listen to is mudvayne and coal chamber. I cant wait till there new album comes out.
>>By Ru Gg Ed (Wednesday, 13 Nov 2002 05:00)
mudvayne is by far the best band in the world their music style is like no other. i love all of the music and are really looking forward to buying the new cd, hell i like them so much i might buy 2.
>>By brock (Sunday, 17 Nov 2002 21:57)
Hey CirCus FreaK Check out Nothingface and Machinehead. Those bands and Mudvayne are my favorites.
>>By Cubber (Sunday, 17 Nov 2002 23:57)
Can't wait till the new cd comes out. Mudvayne has to be one of the best in a live show. Can somebody tell me what's up with "beginning of all" (Released 5/2002)? You can miss alot when you're stuck up your girlfriend's ass!
>>By SNUFF (Monday, 18 Nov 2002 14:57)
The lyrics come with the new cd...
>>By erickaprAun (Tuesday, 19 Nov 2002 01:35)
mudvayne is the best band ever!!!!
kud's singing is great
the hole band Rule!!!
>>By RaMsHaCkLe (Wednesday, 20 Nov 2002 12:43)
Hey guys wat is the name of the 11th song on the end of all things to come Cd???Thanx!
>>By Darthvader (Friday, 22 Nov 2002 17:48)
I never knew there were this many M_Vayne fans out there. Around here I am one of like maybe 3 people who have ever heard of them much less worship them. Anyone hear anything about TATTOO THE EARTH tour 2? Maybe just a rumor, but its floating aroun quite a bit.
>>By Choking On Mud (Wednesday, 27 Nov 2002 01:03)
is mudvayne really going to reno
>>By birdman (Wednesday, 27 Nov 2002 18:43)
I get to go see them this sunday at the madison!! they r finally coming home to peoria!! I cant wait !! I love mudavyne. Ryan and Chad r sooo sexy!
>>By mudavyne_biitch (Saturday, 30 Nov 2002 01:24)
Mudvayne is the shit. I would believe that the guitarist, bassist, and definitely the drummer are the best I have ever heard. The way the bassist plucks and slaps at the smae is unbelievably fast, and the drummer is so sufficiently and adequetly precise that it knocks your socks off. I have my own band Small Town Darkness A.K.A. STD. Mudvayne has truly inspired my playing style on my own guitar. Thanks Mudvayne. If anyone would to check out my band visit the bands site at or my personal page at
>>By choruslane (Sunday, 1 Dec 2002 19:11)
I'm sitting in my computer I.T class the only one failing because I would rather look up Mudvayne sites all period to find out what other people think about them and its all positive for the most part.
>>By MaTsOn (Monday, 2 Dec 2002 15:49)
Has anyone figured out the tab for 'World So Cold' ? Anyone...I want it bad, Love that song. Yeah well anyways laterz
>>By RanCiD Hate (Tuesday, 3 Dec 2002 07:00)
welcome !!!
to mexico
mudvayne # 1
>>By chino (Wednesday, 4 Dec 2002 22:10)
mudvayne in mexico is the best!!!
viva mexico c.............
mudvayne I'm you fan.
>>By chino from mexico (Wednesday, 4 Dec 2002 22:21)
I finally got to go to their concert in Minneapolis, it was the best concert i've been to in my life!!! Probablly cause they're the best band ever @ I'm overlly obsessive over them. When I got backstage with the band, I was speachless. I had no clue what to say cause everything I wanted to tell them was already said by my expression. They should just realize that they're the best creation ever and no one else can even come close to them. I just wanted to say...I LOVE MuDvAyNe. And I love all you MuDvAyNe fans too.
>>By AmAnAdA (Thursday, 5 Dec 2002 16:48)
I'm going to the mudvayne concert tomorrow at sunset station, San Antonio, TX. Man Im so siked I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!
>>By SeveredxxxCloud-nine (Thursday, 5 Dec 2002 22:49)
Lucky bastards...I wish I could go to a Mudvayne concert...BLAAH...
>>By RanCiD Hate (Monday, 9 Dec 2002 07:08)
mudvayne is the best band to come out in a really long time the fuckin rock. All I wanna know is are you coming to pittsburg or cleveland any time soon
really hope so keep jammin
>>By st8 nut (Monday, 9 Dec 2002 17:43)
They're the best band in the world ever, beats Slipknot and KoRn etc any day! SpAg is just great
>>By DaVeVaYnE (Tuesday, 10 Dec 2002 12:27)
I saw Mudvayne during Ozzfest 2001, they were awesome! and i bet their stage shows now are awesome.
MuDvAyNe is and always will be the best and most unique band ever...
>>By TotalDarkness (Wednesday, 11 Dec 2002 08:51)
MuDvAyNe is good - no wait theyre fuc#in awesome!!
>>By sPARKY (Wednesday, 11 Dec 2002 14:24)
The lyric when he says " was born into a world I never asked to be here"
that SH***T is tight.
>>By bo butler (Wednesday, 11 Dec 2002 18:44)
The lyric when he says " was born into a world I never asked to be here"
that SH***T is tight.
>>By bo butler (Wednesday, 11 Dec 2002 18:44)
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