

Greetings. Its been years. Guys, if you read this, whats up, how've you been. Long time since Jackson Heights. Congrats on your success. Doc Marten Stomps forever!!!!! Show the world how its really done!!!!!
Say whats up to Bato..Hoya....etc....Peace....

>>By Deko one D.M.S   (Tuesday, 19 Nov 2002 05:56)

Madball is the best HC band ever. We Want a new release.

>>By TOHC   (Wednesday, 27 Nov 2002 18:38)

is it group of madball (fuckin)
i hope not

>>By blaquer   (Thursday, 16 Jan 2003 10:06)

madball best hardcore on this fucking world

>>By   (Saturday, 1 Mar 2003 04:00)

es madball una banda de hardcore?el hardcore tiene algo que ver con la religion?a quien se refieren cuando hablan de dios?
a mi la verdad,la musica me gusta mucho,pero si son creyentes,no pueden ser hardcore.
alguien q me lo explique

>>By nacho   (Tuesday, 4 Mar 2003 18:08)

madball is great but havent rolled through chicago in the past two years what happened?

>>By unite~and~win   (Saturday, 8 Mar 2003 22:21)

Madball is my favourite hardcore band.Thanks guys for a great piece of true street music!!!

>>By trawa   (Friday, 4 Apr 2003 13:54)

madball is one of the bests hc bands ever , they haven't sold out for money they haven't changed their fucking hardcore style . you guys are fucking great !

>>By felipe hxc   (Monday, 7 Apr 2003 03:36)

I Hope that Madball will play in fuckin' Poland some day......
MADBALL RULEZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HARDCORE TOO!!!!!!!!!!

>>By S.a.b   (Friday, 23 May 2003 12:44)

madball aren't skinheads, and beeing a skin doesn't always mean beeing a racist and all that crap,(wel mostely it does)but not in hardcore!
you got to be a real dumb ass to go to hardcore show like sick of it all ,madball, biohazard, (who are against racists)as a rascial skinhead
and if your one of those guys (a rasist) fuck off !!!!, we don't need you
and leave the hardcore scene
BLACK and WHITE and RED all over !!!!
to all hc punks take no crap, and live your life the fullest

>>By hcpunk   (Thursday, 10 Jul 2003 14:50)

madball es una banda que muestra la realidad de la calle y sus vivencias hablando guas legales familia,unidad,lealtad,sin traicionar y gracias a ellos por entregar su estilo d.m.s aguante por siempre...hardcore es vida.
unity r.d.c temuco chile.

>>By unity   (Saturday, 12 Jul 2003 02:46)

madball is the top of the hardcore music.this is the real shittt.everyone who listen to hardcore and dont know about madball i have something to say.just drop dead and learn to listen real stuff.madball rulezzzzzzzzzz!!hardcore still lives!!!!!!!!!!!!thanx

>>By madball24   (Saturday, 12 Jul 2003 09:44)

i've seen madball yesterday at Rock-Herk, I think they are greath

>>By cocie   (Sunday, 13 Jul 2003 22:10)

Just very good hardcore. Who the hell is BioHazard? lol

>>By MasterDisaster   (Tuesday, 22 Jul 2003 15:00)

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