When are looptroop going to Norway at Blå???
>>By Kjell Kriminell (Friday, 8 Nov 2002 14:20)
I fucking love looptroop I would have to say I have never ever heard anything better.
>>By ResQ (Friday, 22 Nov 2002 13:37)
looptroop is fuckin' ill. They need to come perform in L.A. and FUCK THE SYSTEM!
>>By DjProTek (Saturday, 30 Nov 2002 22:10)
LoopTroop just rocks the fucking system to parts!
I have neverever heard any better rap
>>By c0-caINe (Saturday, 7 Dec 2002 23:12)
one of the better things i've ever heard
>>By doberski_s.o.f. (Sunday, 8 Dec 2002 00:27)
i fell in love ! the new album(struggle...) is just fucking heartbreaking
>>By dizzy rogi (Monday, 9 Dec 2002 18:03)
fucking great!!!! fuck tha cops reclaim tha streets!!!!!
>>By rts (Saturday, 14 Dec 2002 12:09)
looptroop-sweden finest,,dom är fan bäst
>>By rilly (Saturday, 18 Jan 2003 18:55)
`Yo^LOoptroop rockerS*
Ever since **Heads or tails* looptroop has been my top idols!! keep it up!- and don't forget to keep rapping about graffiti, and the way we hip hoppers get treatet by the fucking system!!!
>>By suppe loppe (Thursday, 23 Jan 2003 19:45)
Yo sup! Looptroop have done a lot for my life. It's good to hear some shit that you can relate to as a white hip hopper from a similar background. Promoe has philosophies that we should all listen too and take into account. He has never spat a word that haven't agreed with. As a graffiti writer I always enjoy hearing rhymes about graffiti and racking. Ambush in the night is probably my favourite track of any artist ever!any way nuff said respect to the LOOPTROOP keep writin on them walls and fuk the transport police.check out UK groups taskforce and the mud family. www.bristolgraffiti.com www.unorthodoxcothing.com REPRESENTIN THE SOUF WEST UK! COUNTRY BUMPKINS REPRESENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>By omit cba crew (Friday, 24 Jan 2003 00:05)
Looptroop will rock on Folkets Hus in Ostersund Sweden!!!!
>>By StoRmWatCh (Saturday, 1 Feb 2003 09:17)
Looptroop is the best hiphopband ever!!! I`ve listen to them in three years and I can`t stop listen!"!!! I can almost rap all their texts, My frien knows the man who made them popular in the radio.../////Peace
>>By Slutskaya (Saturday, 1 Feb 2003 13:53)
i love looptroop. they have give so must strength to carry on when times been though, they make me see the sun when it's only dark clouds on my sky. i wanna thank embee, promoe, cosm.i.c and supreme for makin' my life worth living for. i love you!
>>By soul (Thursday, 6 Feb 2003 23:10)
fuk that looptroop needs to come to CALGARY ......calgary is the true graffiti city
>>By elsewhere (Tuesday, 25 Feb 2003 00:22)
Man they sing with emotion not like many others.ive got the album"the struggle continues" thats good shit.
>>By shadow (Wednesday, 26 Feb 2003 16:29)
woow looptroop rules ffs..!!!! the best song is cop ciling..!!! for real..!! peace out..
>>By yeehaaa (Saturday, 1 Mar 2003 23:53)
Looptroop r the best band ever there stuff:: is worth listining to it is awsome lyrics and great tunes looptroop r da maddest
>>By Hertz sickre (Monday, 24 Mar 2003 12:10)
Government Music is awesome.... LoopTroop and Troopettes, keep rockin
>>By Casper1 (Saturday, 19 Apr 2003 20:30)
Yeah! Looptroop realy rock the fuckin` line system! Them lyrics abaut Graffiti is so real, I say it as Graffwriter! and them shows is real rokin` I been twice in Helsinki*FIN and Tallinn*EST!!!
>>By Adles (Monday, 21 Apr 2003 07:44)
Got no words for these cats. Cop the cd few weeks ago, never came off my car's sound system. I wish I could see these cats live. ooops...I'm live in third world
>>By Cal - Mozambique -Africa (Wednesday, 21 May 2003 14:30)
They are tha best swedish and maybe the best goup in tha fucking world.....fuck cops all i have to say....love Looptroop
>>By LOoffeE (Friday, 23 May 2003 19:11)
hey i havent heard looptroop, i'm in australia and i keep hearing about them in local mags but i'm hanging to hear what they're about! so dammit can anyone help me get my hands onto a copy of this LP i keep HEARING SO MUCH ABOUT! katietomato@hotmail.com
>>By breakdancing queen (Monday, 26 May 2003 12:31)
looptroop is the fucken shit. i ussually licen to west coast hiphop like abstract rude,lootpack shit like that, but when i heard looptroop i was hooked. im also a graff artist so i feel what there sayn. THEY NEED TO COME OUT TO THE WEST AND GET UP
>>By MOKAFONICS*B4TAK* (Friday, 30 May 2003 19:50)
infect truth not ignorance - exactly what looptroop are about. They have changed my life for the better and will continue to do so love the troop
>>By ResQ (Thursday, 5 Jun 2003 06:48)
tHe NEw ShITs DoPE!!
>>By PREMO (Monday, 9 Jun 2003 20:11)
YO! I'm from POLAND and I think that LOOPTROOP is the best hip-hop group! Na tyle pozwoli³a mi moja znajomosc angielskiego. A teraz po polsku : to najbardziej wypierdolisty squad jaki kiedykolwiek slyszalem. PEACE
>>By czarnooch (Tuesday, 8 Jul 2003 13:19)
bandit queen's fuckin talent
>>By emsee imagine (Sunday, 31 Aug 2003 12:34)
Yo, I am all the way up in Kenya and we feelin that crew like mad son. I heard fly away a while back and I started flippin out cause its been a while since we was hooked up wit the realness and all. I love looptroop too much props due. Mad love, big up and jah bless man. Anybody wanna talk to me, just shout me a holla. One. Maintain.
>>By BrooklynB-girl (Tuesday, 30 Sep 2003 18:59)
.L0opTr0op. Pure swedish hip-hop culture! And man they know what they're doin'! and Promoe voice sooooo fuckin' awesome.
>>By Naxeb (Sunday, 28 Dec 2003 13:55)
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