I made out with their touring keyboardist yeah baby I'm a slut
>>By nymphomaniac (Wednesday, 6 Nov 2002 19:06)
who cares if you made out with the TOURING keyboardist. he's not even really part of the band. he's the TOURING keyboardist!
>>By WTF (Sunday, 10 Nov 2002 13:55)
Incredible composing skills Jason Wade has
>>By Kellie (Thursday, 23 Jan 2003 22:13)
Life house is my favorite band ever
>>By Kate (Wednesday, 19 Feb 2003 21:54)
Who the hell are Lifehouse and are they as gorgeous as Jeff Buckley? If not I care nothing for them.
>>By MongoQueen (Saturday, 22 Feb 2003 22:22)
>>By #1 FAN (Monday, 24 Feb 2003 20:31)
James from the other writing dissusion was really hot sunding huba huba i wont him. life House rock and if someone says they can bloody suck my fuken weaner for all the fuke i give about this world but i think jeff Misner from Idaho is a huchy mama.
>>By J.v. football girl (Saturday, 8 Mar 2003 01:08)
James from the other writing dissusion was really hot sunding huba huba i wont him. life House rock and if someone says they suck they can bloody suck my fuken weaner for all the fuke i give about this world but i think jeff Misner from Idaho is a huchy mama.
>>By J.v. football girl (Saturday, 8 Mar 2003 01:09)
When are Lifehouse coming to England?? make it quick!
>>By bittersweetsymphony (Monday, 24 Mar 2003 11:37)
hasnt anyone ever noticed how hot... theyre LYRICS are?? theres more to their band than looks. they have the greatest music i have ever heard in my life!!
>>By kelly (Saturday, 5 Apr 2003 01:26)
Okay, so grunge became this horrible thing by the end of the 90’s. Over dramatic singing put to pseudo metal songs. Bands like Tad and Mudhoney had been forgotten in the wake of bands like Candlebox and Collective Soul. Further paving the road for poop mongers like Creed to rule the airways. Damn, life can be cruel. The Dreamworks label is adding to that shit pile with a band called "Lifehouse." The aforementioned style is being used once again, and frankly it sucks a donkey’s dick! Fuck! Do I need to go on?? This band needs to quit before we all need to head off to the outhouse to unload!
>>By Dresden (Tuesday, 22 Apr 2003 08:34)
lifehouse is just amazing. check out and Thanks
>>By nylhfan (Saturday, 19 Jul 2003 21:35)
I think lifehouse are amazing. They've effected so many people's lives, changed them for the better. I think it's fantastic how a band can influence people like this. It's not just the lyrics that are pure genius, but the music itself is fantastic and can inspire so many emotions just by listening to it. And all their music is completely original. I really personally believe they are one of the best bands in the world. Of course this is only my opinion, and I have no doubt in your capability in forming your own. But before dissing them why not try listening to more of their music? I can guarantee that listening to their early stuff will make you a fan, or by hearing their new album which has a different edge then they had before. They truly believe in what they are doing, and they've saved people's lives. How many artists can say that?
>>By Ploof (Saturday, 19 Jul 2003 23:21)
ploof, i completely agree with you.... its nice to see someone showing some support for the boys.. if you havent already, make sure to check out the mesage boards on the websites i listed above. thanks...
>>By nylhfan (Saturday, 19 Jul 2003 23:51)
jason wade is hotter than sean biggerstaff
>>By when he coming to England (Monday, 21 Jul 2003 05:41)
Coming to England in early September... WOOOT!
>>By Ploof (Monday, 28 Jul 2003 13:25)
I think hanging by a moment is an amazing song.
>>By Jane (Thursday, 4 Aug 2005 05:52)
Great, great underrated band
>>By Da Blues (Wednesday, 10 Jan 2007 15:37)
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