Kate Bush
I have been a fan for many years but cannot put a face to the name. My friend says that she is, well fat. I can't bare to accept this. Please sombody put me out of my misery either way.
>>By Harry Palmer (Tuesday, 12 Nov 2002 19:27)
Even if she is "fat" (she isn't) shes still hot.
>>By miiss c (Friday, 22 Nov 2002 23:54)
Kate Bush is a rare talent. I love and admire her work. She is the most talented singer ever! I especially love her expressive dancing, I copy her dances and am getting quite good at it (I think). Does anyone know where I could get The Single File box set? I've already got This Woman's Work and I'd really like to have the singles.
>>By Jo (Thursday, 13 Feb 2003 15:04)
kate bush moments -rockets tail"was it me said you were crazy!"and then the beautiful trio bulgarka wow! rubberband girl -one rubberband wont keep u up...."the totally awesome "youre the one" shimmers towards the end with the hammond organ kate singin pleading?"sugar?,honey?" never forever "egypt"-the pyramids sound lonely tonight....."lionheart"-in search of peter pan -"running into her arms at the schoolgates....."the kick inside"wuthering heights " the wonderful bit where she sings-"too long i roam in the night........" the strings and orcestra are awesome " the dreaming" -"houdini" achingly beautiful amazing story " hounds of love " the wonderful "dee a dum durs ....." on the morning fog - kate bush genius original beautiful
>>By josephb (Saturday, 19 Apr 2003 22:13)
I was wondering.....the song called "waking the witch" has very interesting lyrics. What is the song really about? I do not understand what the lyrics mean. Could you please help me with this?
>>By Jen (Wednesday, 2 Jul 2003 05:12)
Did you know that Independent singer/songwriter Danielle French, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, does a stunning cover of "Running Up That Hill" by Kate Bush on her brand new CD 'Piece'?
If you would like to find out more about Danielle French and her new CD 'Piece'? Check out www.daniellefrench.ca where you can download her entire version of "Running Up That Hill" (in the multi-media section), peruse her bio and press and tour information, and glance at the photo gallery.
Please feel free to pass this info onto to any other Kate Bush fans or post Danielle's link on your website if you feel it would be of interest!
>>By Scarlett (Saturday, 6 Dec 2003 21:39)
I was introduced to Kate's music when I borrowed a friend's copy of the Rubberband Girl EP (which contains normal-length and extended versions of Rubberband Girl, Show A Little Devotion, and Home For Christmas). So, in your opinion, which of her albums would be the best choice to get first?
>>By duelisthouston (Wednesday, 31 Mar 2004 15:51)
Duel.."The Whole Story" which is a best of ( 78-86) is a good start. Most Kate fans think "Hounds Of Love" is her masterpeice
>>By Oblivious Chris (Friday, 9 Apr 2004 00:24)
heylooo im your sweet 666 godess i write on the ville valo page alot...as they are my fave band....BUT...kate bush...i love her...i admire her....before my mum passed kate was her idol...she loved her...she often would draw. life pictures of kate as she met her many times....i have a relation to kate bush through my mum...and i feel her music is special to me.... *i dont know why im crying*....my favourite line in a kate bush song
>>By your sweet 666 godess (Friday, 9 Apr 2004 00:34)
Kate will release soon her next record (after more than 10 years) which is to be entitled How to be Invisible. GET READY...
>>By PointDumer (Tuesday, 4 May 2004 16:11)
she is haveing a new record?....do u kno this for sure?.....i cant wait
>>By your sweet 666 godess (Tuesday, 4 May 2004 17:23)
Where the hell did it come from that Kate Bush is fat ...?!?!
Hounds of Love is the masterpiece. She credits Werner Herzog in the sleeve! Very cool. Does anyone know what she whispers in German at the end of "Hello Earth"?
>>By spookyloop (Monday, 17 May 2004 13:59)
And "lionheart" is good, isn't it?
>>By thom (Wednesday, 19 May 2004 22:37)
Spooky Loop>you also logged on Einsturzende Neubauten and Throbbing Gristle...and now Kate Bush. Very versitile in regards to the broad spectrum. That is very cool. I'm looking forward to hearing new stuff by Kate, but nothing will ever touch her wuthering heights (or breathing for that matter)
>>By Darkhalls (Saturday, 22 May 2004 08:49)
i got given a kate bush video live at hammersmith odeon.....has anyone seen it?
its amazing!...loads of dancing going on...and her singing is fenominal
>>By ***your sweet 666 godess*** (Thursday, 27 May 2004 17:05)
Her music video of "Cloudbusting" is a masterpiece. Very moving. Maybe the best music video ever made...
>>By Gentleman1973 (Thursday, 16 Dec 2004 19:49)
her last cd Aerial is a masterpiece!!! I love it! and yes, Kate didn't make music for a long time. I heard she was depressed ... but now she's doing real fine! she has a son and she's full of life and good vibes! ;-)
>>By veryberry (Sunday, 25 Jun 2006 01:18)
It's great to hear she's doing fine. A talented artist like she is deserves it. Never been into her music that much, and don't ask me why 'cause i love all her singles. And i just loved the 'Cloudbustin'-vid, especially because Donald Sutherland was in it. Now just a several weeks ago i bought 'Hounds of love', and i think it's just a fantastic piece of music. The very next weekend i saw 'Never forever' in the recordshop wich i just couldn't resist, & yep.......i bought that one too. Now coming a this topic i see a recent release of her named 'Aerial'. The photo looks quite impressive to me, it makes me really curious to be honest. For somehow reason i know this album must be perfect. I will discover pretty soon. Going after it this very weekend.
>>By Sanvean (Tuesday, 27 Jun 2006 22:29)
Not really perfect, but the album is great, definitely.And a bit more smoothy sound creates an atmosphere of some kind of calmth. I like that. And there's a small photo on the inner sleeve that shows a Kate who's grown a bit fat indeed. But who cares. The music's fine and that's what it's all about, isn't it ? Way to go Kate.
>>By Sanvean (Sunday, 2 Jul 2006 19:08)
So Sanvean, you bought the Aerial record? Mmmm it's perfect, I like it a lot. I've got it allready one year and I listen to it almost every day ... she inspires me a lot, the lyrics are so pure ... and sensitive ... did you hear her album 'the kick inside' and 'the sensual world' allready? That's older work but they're my favorites after Aerial!
take care and enjoy La Bush ;-)
>>By veryberry (Friday, 7 Jul 2006 22:51)
"bang goes a kanga on the bonnet of the van see the light play as it runs through the land" ['The Dreaming' c 1980]
"With this kiss I pass the key" [Houdini, IBID]
I like the diversity of aerial but I love the lyrics from her earlier work...
>>By Sarcophilus (Saturday, 8 Jul 2006 18:19)
She was 17 when 'Wuthering Heights' was released - an esoteric song encapsulating the essence of a major literary classic - and it went on to sell millions of copies.
At some point she married David Gilmour (from Pink Floyd) and had babies (but they must be in their 20s by now)
She did most of her best work (like the Dreaming and the Hounds of Love) in the stables at the back of their house.
She IS a genius.
So what if she's put a few pounds on? How do you think you'll be looking when your're pushing 50?
Aerial is so eclectic it is amazing for someone who's heard most of what she did over the last 20 something years...
You still have it Kate, I can't wait to hear the next installment.
>>By Sarcophilus (Saturday, 8 Jul 2006 18:30)
Now, two weeks later, i'm more convenient with 'Aerial'. Can say nothing else than that this (dubble-)cd is really superb. In the meantime i bought myself 'The sensual world'....o my.
>>By Sanvean (Sunday, 23 Jul 2006 12:17)
"At some point she married David Gilmour (from Pink Floyd) and had babies (but they must be in their 20s by now)"
News to me! DG was involved with her getting a deal and various businness and I think the father of her children was/is(?) her guitarist (Mc somebody-or-another ) but I *think* you're getting the two stories mixed up a little Sarco?
Agree she deserves your generous praise tho! :)
>>By planet ear (Sunday, 23 Jul 2006 16:57)
Yes, Al, of course you're right; Gilmour 'discovered' Kate when she was about 14. He was no child-snatcher though!
I'm fairly certain that she credited Herzog on the Hounds Of Love album because the Hello Earth track 'borrows' its male choral section from a version that appears in the director's Nosferatu film.
Best track on Aerial is the one which has Rolf Harris at the beginning. He plays didj on The Dreaming.
>>By nonyeb (Sunday, 17 Dec 2006 01:01)
For me she's up there alongside Joni Mitchell and Laurie Anderson as one of the greatest women in modern music. All three stand out dazzlingly in what remains a very male-dominated field.
>>By nonyeb (Monday, 26 Apr 2010 23:34)
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