Jay-Jay Johanson
he is one of my most awarding experiences on music!for me is like joão gilberto, cal tjader or anyone of these...
>>By raul (Thursday, 5 Dec 2002 23:02)
every time I play antenna I keep moving closer closer to jay jay!
>>By seran (Friday, 6 Dec 2002 11:01)
I have all his albums the most unique voice out there period. I wish he was big in the U.S that way more than few people would know about him.
>>By tyke (Thursday, 12 Dec 2002 04:30)
i like him and i have all of his albums but i didn't like antenna that much. the others were better. i love poison..
>>By phlebotomus (Saturday, 21 Dec 2002 22:49)
I know littlel about hos music, I know how it sounds but I havent listen much to it. I was just looking for some information about his albums, dates and stuff... Once I have listened to it I will let you know how it made me feel
>>By Nachete (Sunday, 22 Dec 2002 17:46)
I love jay-jay johansson but in sweden (strange right?! when he comes from sweden)he isnt that famous and it's very wrong cause he deserfs it more than some overclass bitch..that probably dosnt do her own singing..just a computer to do the work!
I realy care fore his voice..it's the best one you could ever hear=)
>>By Mee (Wednesday, 8 Jan 2003 22:23)
He drives me crazy every time I listen his voice... :) He's perfect, I'm sure........... Ohh... :)
>>By Marie (Tuesday, 21 Jan 2003 20:43)
Since I started listening to jay jay I have great difficulty in liking other stuff. Ít´s the best I´ve ever heard - original with a very unique style. Love all his albums, can´t possibly choose a favourite!
>>By Juju (Tuesday, 28 Jan 2003 20:32)
what can I say? Johanson is so unique... I love him, his muzik could make me fly... Now, i'm floattin' away...
>>By Antenna Girl (Tuesday, 11 Feb 2003 19:49)
yes, I keep remembering the darkening evenings of last September, I was going to meet two of my friends in a very strange place (in a pub, close to where I once used to live) and all the way there, on my bike, through the autumn mist, my mind kept on playing the songs from one to another, and extra plays for Automatic Lover. Strange how some artists can capture such feelings, even colours or temperatures, in an electro pop record........
>>By Keiju (Monday, 24 Feb 2003 18:28)
He is a mix of bossa nova and the modern music. He fantastic. by alzi johnson, brazil
>>By ALZI JOHNSON (Wednesday, 26 Feb 2003 19:47)
jj please come home i miss you!
>>By Kate (Wednesday, 5 Mar 2003 17:04)
Well, it's me again. I've got a little trouble & I wanna you to help me, especially Keiju. Automatic Lover is my favorite stuff. In Russia this song has lyrics, but I can't dig in them, thought I now English. JJ says about sth satisfaction, see me, feel me...... e.t.c. Can you put a link with the text of Automatic lover? ps Pleeeeeeeezzzze! :)
>>By Marie (Saturday, 12 Apr 2003 23:13)
udivirilsinkd ad za erlicibi glarosszolgyulitelat jay jay johansson udov!!
>>By jja (Wednesday, 16 Apr 2003 16:30)
Im searching for his piano partition.. is anyone knows where i can find it ??? rewrite me to ammonia_@hotmail.com thanx !!!
>>By ammonia (Tuesday, 13 May 2003 21:07)
I only have Antenna...the best album Ive bougt in a long time...where can i find a promo poster for Antenna?
>>By boyjoe87 (Friday, 11 Jul 2003 06:42)
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