Isley Brothers
I was told that a few years ago that "The Real Deal" and "Inside You" were avalible in Japan.Now I need those titles,it does not matter if it is from any country. darrell
>>By Darrell (Wednesday, 27 Nov 2002 21:08)
Well, you could click on "buy from amazon"...
>>By Moonlight (Wednesday, 27 Nov 2002 21:09)
Anyone have the full lyrics to "Fight the power"?
>>By paddy (Friday, 6 Dec 2002 23:33)
I am looking for a live album that has Voyage to Atlantis, Smooth Sailing, For the Love of You, Make me say it again. have tried several sites to no avail, somebody please help with title, company etc
>>By Sha (Sunday, 8 Dec 2002 16:16)
i been listen to the isley brothers since i was 4 yrs old the records i have is isleys live, the heat is on, givin it back, harvest of the world, go for your guns, 3+3 i have brother brother brother on tape and winner takes all i'm trying to find live it up on cd and go all the way cant find it i have go all the way on vinyl but it kinda scratched i think ive owned almost every isley brother record there is more than once between me and my brothers and sisters we owned all of them.
>>By jay (Sunday, 29 Dec 2002 22:13)
have anyone seen showdown on cd i have it on vinyl thats another one thats hard to find i might have to go to a old record shop thats sells new and used cd's or records when i was in chicago i found all their old records but didnt get them.
>>By jay (Sunday, 29 Dec 2002 22:30)
To: Sha. I think its "Go for your guns" .
>>By Butterfly (Monday, 3 Feb 2003 00:27)
no its not go for your guns i know what it is because ive had a while back it also has fight the power on it it was their last live album give me a min and ill think of it.
>>By jay (Monday, 17 Feb 2003 09:58)
hey sha its called live! the isley brothers came out in 9/93 hope this helps
>>By jay (Monday, 17 Feb 2003 10:10)
I really like the Isley brother and this also go's out to my girl friend when i get one.
>>By yasin (Thursday, 13 Mar 2003 23:59)
isley bros have always been my favorite group wanted to know where they are from?
>>By scooby (Saturday, 15 Mar 2003 19:19)
isley bros have always been my favorite group, wanted to know where they are from?
>>By scooby (Saturday, 15 Mar 2003 19:19)
the isley's brothers are originally from cinn ohio now i'm not sure where they are located
>>By JAY (Friday, 28 Mar 2003 07:40)
I love me some isley brothers.the music is great for love making.i been a fan since the age of 12. ron and ernie keep up the good work. love elaine.
>>By Elaine (Sunday, 30 Mar 2003 18:14)
THEIR SONG SENSUALITY ITS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>By co co brown (Tuesday, 1 Apr 2003 05:13)
The Isley brothers are the best! I love you guys!
>>By Kela (Tuesday, 8 Apr 2003 06:36)
i think the isley brothers are the best when it comes to love music with your lady or any of your lady's? (Friday, 11 Apr 2003 08:39)
I love to listen to the smooth sounds of the Isley Brothers it's like they give me a natural high . they always keep me and all my lady's in the mood, the are part of my love making preparation kit " a glass of wine , a tic tac, grey flannel, body lotion a warm fire place or just a nice summer Breeze.
A. Zuberi , ATL,Ga
>>By Zuberi Love (Friday, 11 Apr 2003 08:47)
hey i have been listening to your music every sincei was a little girl. my parnets started me listening to it. i love every song that yall have made. especially "Lay Together". that song to me will never get old. well i'm outta here so stay blessed and keep doing what cha do best!
>>By ganasta tiff (Thursday, 17 Apr 2003 16:35)
I am looking for the complete music or tabulature to "harvest for the World" does anyone know if it's available?
>>By poppa will (Tuesday, 22 Apr 2003 01:18)
Anybody know where I can find the Voyage to Atlantis remake? I thought it was Randy Crawford but I can't find it online, or in record stores.
>>By TooInvolved (Saturday, 3 May 2003 17:42)
I'm looking for the song with the lyrics "on Lovers eve". I remember hearing this when I was about 14. I don't even know if those are he right words. Can anyone help (which album)
>>By Grace (Tuesday, 6 May 2003 21:13)
I'm looking for the Isley's single Who Said? It's from about 1980-1981. I think it's on the grand slam album.I have looked all over,and can't find it. Please help if you can...Thanks Riverboat G.
>>By Riverboat (Wednesday, 7 May 2003 14:11)
>>By KK (Sunday, 11 May 2003 00:59)
Hey riverboat that album was not that good, I ve had a while back didnt really flow for me. You will probably have to order it, go to a old record shop thats sell new and used cd's or records, I had it on tape, thats the only was i have seen it besides on vinyl.
Hey poppa will if you want the lyrics to harvest of the world go to thats were I found it.
>>By JAY (Wednesday, 21 May 2003 05:12)
The one album/cd that's one of their greatest that's somewhere in oblivion and I'm making arrangemnents to go to those lengths to find it is, Go All The Way(1980). All the songs are excellent except one, the following songs on the album are classics; Say U Will, Go All The Way, Don't Say Goodnite and Here We Go Again. If U can't recall those songs then U ain't a real Ole Skool Fan of thiers like me. I don't like the new direction they are going. RKelly isn't needed so heavily in production but I'll settle for that over all these new wanna-bs, that can dance their lil A5SES off but can't sing.
>>By MarkAntney (Wednesday, 21 May 2003 18:55)
hey bro im trying to find Go All The Way myself, i called hundreds of places they only have it on tape, I have the album thats about it i dont know what kind of condition it's in.
>>By JAY (Thursday, 22 May 2003 07:48)
I am the alltime greatest Isley Bros.Fan .I go a long ways back with them.Even when they did the movie [I believe it was filmed at Yankee Stadium] I am proud to say that Ron and Ernie live in hometown now,St.Louis,Mo.
>>By poppa (Sunday, 25 May 2003 05:36)
comparing your special lady to a frickin' bowl of cereal? "girl, you're magically delicious"? i guess it's better than 50 Cent: "girl --i love you like a fat boy loves his cake", but c'mon all yalls. when your career goes on the skids (as Ronald Isley's sadly has), you turn to R.Kelly, the "Pied Piper" to jump start it? yikes.
>>By Mr. Piggs (Friday, 30 May 2003 06:52)
they are the bomb they really got something on the #5 busted the isley brothers and that r.kelly has something going 4 them keep your fans happy.
>>By quita (Tuesday, 24 Jun 2003 23:46)
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