I Mother Earth
This band is wicked good... The old singer Edwin was better than the new one I think, but they still kick ass.
>>By habsfan (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 00:11)
Bob Dole likes I Mother Earth and Viagra! Woot! Vote Dole you crazy mofo's AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAA I will be emperor of this crazy world! you wait and see.... just wait and see!
>>By Bob Dole (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 00:13)
>>By Bill Clinton (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 00:14)
BS Clinton, my feet are huge yours are not! And why the bloody hell would they vote for you? You and fat, ugly, stupid, fat, imbreed, lame as hell and extremely overweight and fat!
>>By Bob Dole (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 00:15)
Dole you prick, the only reason why you do viagra is because you aint getting any. You prolly jacked off so damn much that you cant get a normal erection now! hahaha I'm the ladies man biatch I get head from all the ladies in town.
>>By Bill Clinton (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 00:18)
The ladies you get head from are nasty as hell Clinton you numb-nuts retard. Come on that Lewinski chick was a bloody troll doll look alike! Sucka! Burnt to the max fool!
>>By Bob Dole (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 00:20)
Burnt to the max? What the powerful Bob Dole speaks like a californian surfer... You talk like you have a grade three education and a IQ lower than forest Gump. Hell I'm starting to think you are the real Bob Dole.
>>By Bill Clinton (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 00:22)
But I am the real Bob Dole... I thought I was actually talking to Clinton. Holy shit this is making me all spaced out. It's like that time I smoked weed in the back of my old Volkswagen Bus and passed out for a few hours. Man, that was insane, I woke up and jesus said "F*** you to b*tch call the cops, I'm gonna kill you and your loud-ass mother-f***ing barking dog!"
>>By Bob Dole (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 00:26)
I would vote for Bob Dole, looks like he won this converstation Clinton lool
>>By 203920LENOOOONN (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 00:54)
Me no see what Dole an Clinton do wit music but haha That music good happy
>>By Yonjong Ti (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 00:56)
I won that conversation you imbred loonatics! And Yonjong learn to speak good english you foreign dumbass.
>>By Bill Clinton (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 00:57)
Clearly I won that conversation but Bill's right about one thing. Yonjong you suck goat ass you foriegn prick! Get outta my country dammit! And if you arent in it dont even come here!
>>By Bob Dole (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 00:59)
me no know you??? you hurt feeling inme???
>>By Yonjong Ti (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 01:02)
I know all and see all. I am the first and the last. The Alpha and the Omega. I can see what will happen before it happens. So heres your future Yonjong, You grow up to be 59 years old, you still have no children and still havent kissed a girl. You turn 60 later that day and get up to ask your parents if you can move out of the basement. After they say no you hire a hooker and while she and you do it hard core 60 year old style, you die of a heartattack. I'm Sorry to tell you this, but it is true Bob Dole sees all and hears all!
>>By Bob Dole (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 01:06)
Originally written by Bob Dole - "I know all and see all. I am the first and the last. The Alpha and the Omega. I can see what will happen before it happens. So heres your future Yonjong, You grow up to be 59 years old, you still have no children and still havent kissed a girl. You turn 60 later that day and get up to ask your parents if you can move out of the basement. After they say no you hire a hooker and while she and you do it hard core 60 year old style, you die of a heartattack. I'm Sorry to tell you this, but it is true Bob Dole sees all and hears all!"
Give me my future Dole :)
>>By Happy Gilmour (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 01:07)
Your future is misty... I can see a man, maybe 40 or so riding in a car. The car slows down and somebody steps out, a extremelly fat guy (prolly you). Anyway, he gets out of the car and looks into a window. It is a prono shop and hes looking for something to watch that night. He walks in and out very quick and drives slowlly home. When he reaches home. Which turns out to be a shack he starts crying and throws all his porn in the ditch. This was all in my vision. So once again it is true, Bob Dole sees all and hears all!
>>By Bob Dole (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 01:13)
Any other person need their future told???
>>By Bob Dole (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 01:15)
>>By DuMBaSs (Friday, 28 Mar 2003 05:47)
>>By Bob Dole (Friday, 28 Mar 2003 05:49)
What art tho happened here? tsk tsk
>>By GOD (Thursday, 17 Jul 2003 05:31)
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