My favourite one is the first album, I have been listening to it since i found it in my dads collection when i was 7 or 8 years old, still like them now I am 31 and a seasoned tripper :)
>>By Ian (Saturday, 22 Feb 2003 00:19)
Space ritual . Best album of all time. Hawkwind have been with me through lots of ups! and in recent times my second son came into the world serenaded by the "Best & rest of Hawkwind".
>>By sam(female) (Thursday, 6 Mar 2003 18:58)
Hawkwind are my fav band of all time, space ritual being my favourite all time album. I am now 46 yrs old and i dont feel any different to when i first got turned on to Hawkwind, at the age of 15.
>>By Beard (Monday, 7 Apr 2003 20:49)
1975 when I first heard warrior..been into Hawkwind ever since. I even play in a Hawkwind tribute band, Assassins Of Silence (www.assassinsofsilence.com)
>>By Dave (Friday, 16 May 2003 15:38)
I'm 45 so when I heard Brainstorm on the Doremi...ect album in '76 I was blown away. That studio version was the best and most musicaly influential compulation I ever heard. Even to this day, 30 years after the song was released I hear new sounds in it's extrordinarilly masterpeice of music talent. To me that song is the best peice of music ever created. I have every single peice of Hawkwinds works and no-one I ever meet has heard of them and of course the younger generation will not discover them and on top of that, the kids in their 20's and 30's freak out when I play Hawkwind at work. I cannot believe how emotional in a negative sense I get from everyone. They are litterally scarred of the music and call me Satan!!!. Even at 30 years old the music was and still is far advanced technically. The one thing I am doing is converting all my albums to CD's. The one album I cannot find on CD is "Warrior on the Edge of Time". Magnu is so awsome. I hear there was a problem where the original masters of that album were stolen or lost. I wish they would even recreat it from vinyl. If anyone knows of the existance of this CD please contact me at, (unclewhiskey@aol.com). Back in the 70's I turned a freind on to Hawkwind and he liked them so much he copied all my albums on to a reel to reel with 25 hours of music and he sat for a whole day with headphones on. I don't know if he survived!!!
>>By Uncle Whiskey (Thursday, 5 Jun 2003 03:16)
I've loved Hawkwind since I was first exposed to them when I was around 22. I had heard a great deal of psychedelic music from the U.S., Britain, and France (Gong), but Hawkwind were a horse of a different color. the first thing I heard was "In Search of Space", and it's still my favorite along with "Warrior On the Edge of Time". They are a band that was good from their first record, then continued to get stronger, and then venture into different realms fof sound instead of just stagnating. I have a copy of "Hall of the Mountain Grill" on lp for sale. The cover and vinyl are both in excellent condition. If interested, email me at exile103@hotmail.com. Listen to Hawkwind, love them for what they are! Brian
>>By exile103 (Tuesday, 25 Nov 2003 20:29)
I've been meaning to listen to Hawkwind for a while. I just don't have any money. I will buy some of their music eventually. . .
>>By Jack_is_hot_12 (Wednesday, 26 Nov 2003 02:14)
the yongsters need to learn who their forefathers are. many so-called acid bands today do not realize where their beginnings lie. gong, t-dream, hawkwind, ozric tentacles, should be enshrined in the acid hyperspace hall of fame. if you don't like the music...listen a little closer. turn up the volume, close your eyes, listen intently and allow everything else to flow. you will soon understand what all the hyperspace hype is about. try electric teepee for some really vehicular space rock.
>>By turnmon (Sunday, 19 Sep 2004 18:40)
Hawkwind!!! Are they still on tour? Always have amazing light shows Once saw them at a hells angels festival supported dr and the medics quality assasins of allah live is amazing best album has to be that live one stonehenge decoded i think Like these then try gong too, bloody barmy live though with a yellow cloud hanging over the audience! wonder what that could be then?? hee hee
>>By Kermit14 (Sunday, 21 Aug 2005 19:39)
My favorite Hawkwind album is "Quark, Strangeness and Charm".
Go to MySpace and type Hawkwind in the search engine for Hawkwind music in Hawkwind profiles.
I discovered Hawkwind about 30 years ago. I saw the "Hall of Mountain Grill" album in a cutout bin. I asked the sales clerk what type of music Hawkwind played. He replied that they were kind of a spacey Pink Floyd. Needless to say, I purchased my first Hawkwind recording at a cut rate price. In fact, I found "Quark, Strangeness and Charm" and "Warriors On The Edge Of Time" in cutout bins also.
>>By headrush77 (Monday, 28 Jan 2008 06:59)
I've owned a few early Hawkwind albums & saw them live in the early '70s when they toured (UK) in promotion of their Space Ritual album. I think they made attractive enough music, often minimalist in nature in those days.
>>By nonyeb (Monday, 28 Jan 2008 20:34)
I have counted 16 to 18 different Hawkwind songs on MySpace plus 5 untitled songs which could be unauthorized live recordings.
>>By headrush77 (Tuesday, 29 Jan 2008 08:52)
They have a 'certain something'... I like them.
>>By crazyhorse (Saturday, 26 Apr 2008 10:42)
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