i love Guater, they're my favorite band. very sexy voices....
>>By linquist (Friday, 15 Nov 2002 23:58)
Guster gets better everytime i see them!
>>By Dan Juan (Tuesday, 10 Dec 2002 15:50)
Guster's music makes me happy. What more can you ask for?
>>By superfan (Thursday, 19 Dec 2002 02:14)
Guster is one of my favorite bands. I can relate to almost every song they sing. Plus they are great entertainers.
>>By Cookie (Saturday, 21 Dec 2002 03:45)
I recently got into Guster and can't get enough! This band kicks ass!
>>By Wally (Monday, 13 Jan 2003 07:05)
Guster is seriously my favorite band I have ever heard before! I never get sick of it, I could listen to it all day long!
>>By Fish02004 (Sunday, 26 Jan 2003 02:37)
Guster's awesome...I went to the John Mayer concert three times just to see them!
>>By Susie (Thursday, 13 Feb 2003 01:35)
Guster's sweet man!!!!!!!! Sweet guitar parts and great voices!!!!!!!!1
>>By Demyan (Sunday, 16 Feb 2003 04:37)
Nothing like them! They are the greatest. Music is amazing and listen to it 24/7!!!! Love you GUSTER!!!
>>By Adam (Friday, 14 Mar 2003 03:01)
i just saw guster a few nights ago at a concert...they're frikkin' amazing! i can't wait to see them again!
>>By selena (Friday, 28 Mar 2003 04:47)
I was fortunate enough to see guster in New Orleans 2 years ago and have been a fan ever since. My only complain, Why haven't they come to Canada yet?
>>By alissa (Tuesday, 1 Apr 2003 04:33)
Guster was so good and they have good music and they were so much less gay then john mayer so why were they touring with him???
>>By ALl knowing (Thursday, 3 Apr 2003 01:53)
Guster is H-O-T ..... I saw them open for John Mayer.... and then I recently saw them play at the Norva in Virginia. Guster Rocks my world. Rock on guys. mmmmm yummy.
>>By cutegusterfan (Monday, 28 Apr 2003 21:30)
I want to be where ive never been before, i want to be there and then ill understand........... Is this a quote from a song ^^
>>By KingWillie (Tuesday, 10 Jun 2003 15:22)
Man... I am a new fan of guster... quite possibly the most talented underground in house band in the last 5 yrs.... I was refered to Guster by fan sites from other undrated legends such as BEN f-ing HARPER and Dispatch, if you havent checked these bands out you havent lived. Guster is stellar but Ben harper, dispatch, sublime they all paved the way for an awesome band like Guster.. please pay your respects to these bands. Check out ben harpers new cd "diamonds on the inside" or Dispatch's new dvd there both awesome.
>>By Oak (Saturday, 21 Jun 2003 20:59)
guster is my all time favorite band ive been listening to t hem since parachute came out in 95 they are the greatest band in the world
>>By mark (Monday, 23 Jun 2003 03:53)
oh god guster is freaking awesome!! they have to be my favorite band ever!! i just got their new cd in the mail and i must say that it is just WONDERFUL!! everytime they come out with a cd their sound gets different and better all at the same time. just awesome!
>>By morgan (Monday, 23 Jun 2003 23:25)
they are going to be the greatest bongo playing band in history. they are super rad.
>>By guster superfan (Thursday, 3 Jul 2003 00:32)
when i heard of Guster for the first time in my life, it was in my car. i bought the cd out of curiousity because i have never heard of this band before. so i fled to my car after wallowing around the mall for a great 2 hours, and played the cd. reaction? OMG this music kicks ass! it also reminded me of the Old 97's old album, FIGHT SONGS, but i decided right then and there that Guster's album has more intrumental variety in it.. each song is different.. with astounding lyrics and vocals. what influences me the most on my picking of music is the lyrics. you can't have a good song without good lyrics, so i followed up on the words really quick with Guster (the latest album). the lead singer has a great voice and i love it when he sings his highest note! if you kids have this cd (with the hummingbird in the front), i suggest you listen to track 3 like... 500 times!! it motivates me allll the friggging timmme!!! peace and guster!!! mWAh
>>By elaine (Saturday, 23 Aug 2003 20:48)
I first saw Guster way back in 98 or 99 when they toured with The Barenaked Ladies, it was on BNL's Stunt tour. Anyway, I was there for BNL, right in the 3rd row just to the left of the stage (how I got such great seats will always amaze me), back to the point, Guster was the openning band. I had never heard of them, but as they played I noticed a lot of ppl in the audience singing along. I even heard one group of girls say they were there mainly for Guster. Well, as Guster's set went on, I found myself really getting into the music. I immediately went out and got their 1st 3 CD's. I have since seen them in concert 3 times. I really do hope they come back near me again soon, but I don't think it will happen till next Spring if they tour again in 2004. As I mentioned, I am also a BNL fan. Now that they have a new album due in the Fall, maybe the record label can get Guster and BNL to go on tour together. Both bands playing full sets. Talk about a glorious show.
>>By Led Gopher (Thursday, 28 Aug 2003 06:45)
did anyone see guster in T.O on thursday ?
>>By musiclvr (Sunday, 21 Sep 2003 00:16)
I love Guster. I really thought I already posted here but I guess not... Anyways, I've been a fan of theirs for a few years now, and they're one of my favourites. Their best songs, in my opinion, are: Demons, Medicine, Come Downstairs and Say Hello. And well there's a ton more. I also love the covers they do.
Fucking amazing band.
>>By xfadetobrightx (Friday, 8 Apr 2005 00:20)
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