

I can't really find that much about Grandaddy online, i.e. Can anyone help me with this?

>>By Lauraly   (Wednesday, 8 Jan 2003 03:21)

yeah, strange that. poor grandaddy seem to have some kind of invisibilty cloak when it comes to google searches, and when you actually find something; the Link is innevitably broken.
Or, as is probably the case here, wont exsist next time i search.

Anyway, their new site is up at last, despite fates constant efforts to unplug servers etc. so maybe, just maybe, there might at last be some up-to date reporting

(oh, and i think i saw some stuff on )

>>By pete   (Saturday, 22 Feb 2003 14:28)

Grandaddy is going to be on the "Cactuses" movie soundtrack. Look for it. It's a great movie, and now is going to have great music.

>>By Derek   (Sunday, 23 Feb 2003 00:13)

I know this is late and all, but try <>. I am no genius, I just found the link by going to the V2 website. Enjoy...

>>By Mahoney   (Tuesday, 11 Mar 2003 22:20)

Grandaddy reminds me of a peppier, drunken version of Radiohead. i think they're great.

>>By Rosie   (Thursday, 10 Apr 2003 19:24)

I have had the good fortune of talking to Granddaddy once. He gave me a Demo CD that he is releasing this summer 2003, but then I didn't know who he was because I never put a face with the name. I was flirting with Grandaddy Souf, after listening to his CD, I think I fell in love with his voice. That is what attracted me in the first place.

>>By Santana   (Tuesday, 15 Apr 2003 16:20)

But you guys wouldn't know much about him

>>By Santana   (Tuesday, 15 Apr 2003 16:22)

I went to see them at a private gig in london. Man were they ever awesome. Definately my favourite band.

>>By Dave   (Thursday, 1 May 2003 23:12)

two shows in wisconsin in a matter of 4 are we lucky here!

>>By bug   (Sunday, 1 Jun 2003 01:44)

Been a fan for a while now. over here in the uk, we rarely see them - and in my case never. heard they were doing an in-store and set of 3 hrs before set. still managed to arrive 1 hr late as a train on my line went up in smoke. Did speak to them though and they seem nice blokes. burtch thought it was funny. maybe one day i'll get to see them play live. superb new album

>>By MZK   (Thursday, 12 Jun 2003 21:26)

I ´ve got the album the sopthware slump, in wich I fell in love when I was working and had no where to stay but in a hostel. To go to the shop and listen to this album gave me some time to relax, be on my own. Had to buy it!


>>By Siri   (Wednesday, 25 Jun 2003 17:52)

Hi Lauraly,

If you want to find the lyrics of Grandaddy, you can go to, check it out!

>>By Mei   (Wednesday, 2 Jul 2003 02:24)

I have 2 tickets to see grandaddy 2nite in sheffield (2nd July) but i cant go so if anyone wud like the tickets mail me at : :)

>>By angelina   (Wednesday, 2 Jul 2003 11:39)

I love Grandaddy but only own sophtware slump and sumday, thats all i can find here in Australia. I might have to buy online. I would like to find grandaddy midi files, if anyone knows where i can please let me know.

>>By Padfoot   (Tuesday, 2 Dec 2003 08:35)

Saw Grandaddy on Saturday night in Brisbane, Australia.
Loved them! Just loved them. Have done for years. Beautiful.

>>By struthers   (Monday, 17 May 2004 04:13)

I've only got Sumday and The Sophtware Slump but have heard some of the earlier stuff on Under The Western Freeway. I think this band create some music that makes a refreshing change from more of the over-rated outfits in modern rock.

Listening to some of the tracks on Sumday (particulary El Caminos in the West and Straw Dog and the Choclolate Shake) make me feel like I'm lying in the shade of a very warm summer, cooling off with a fresh fruit juice. I don't know why but it does and it feels really damn good.

>>By cute_fluffy_death_thing   (Friday, 18 Mar 2005 02:21)

A good band who sound like two of my favourite bands, Flaming Lips and Mercury Rev.

So You'll Aim Towards The Sky......... now thats nice

>>By spikee   (Friday, 18 Mar 2005 04:44)

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