Gackt is one of the best punk/rock Japanese bands in the world! my friend got me into them...she told me about them and now i love em! hmm lets see... i don't really know what else to say...other then they're ASWOME!!! and so Kawaii!! gotta love 'em!
>>By ~enter_the_darkness~ (Sunday, 19 Sep 2004 18:06)
why am i the only one talking about gackt here?!?!?! geez none of you guys never heard of them? -.-;; FIGURES!
>>By ~enter_the_darkness~ (Wednesday, 6 Oct 2004 22:18)
i only heard of them cuss of you but yeah im starting to get into them. i dont no if i would call them punk. hell i dont no, maybe i dont no wut punk
>>By DnAngel22 (Thursday, 21 Oct 2004 06:17)
their song sayonara doesnt sound punk at all..............really slow and depressing song but vanilla is cool and so is oasis
>>By DnAngel22 (Thursday, 21 Oct 2004 06:20)
the lead singers voice reminds me of the lead singer from a band called buck tick. if you like gackt then get buck tick any and all of their songs. trust me YOU will not be disappointed
>>By DnAngel22 (Thursday, 21 Oct 2004 06:22)
heh...i feel like a cat...0.o yeah...uh...nine spiral from Gackt is really good ^.^ uh...for my punk comment...everybody has their own definition of uh yeah...^.~
>>By ~enter_the_darkness~ (Friday, 29 Oct 2004 01:29)
cool i'll try looking for it
>>By DnAngel22 (Tuesday, 2 Nov 2004 02:45)
alright!!!! yEAy...hehehe...i don't really listen to Gackt anymore though...iunno why...T.T
>>By ~enter_the_darkness~ (Saturday, 6 Nov 2004 01:08)
so u made all this fuss about how nobody listens to them and then you just blurt out that YOU dont even listen to them anymore. lol. leave to you.
>>By DnAngel22 (Tuesday, 16 Nov 2004 03:08)
i do listen to them...but just not as much...cause i'm usually like "ohhh i like this band" i download a bunch of songs by them...burn 'em to a cd then get my "phase" as my mom puts it...over with...
>>By ~enter_the_darkness~ (Tuesday, 16 Nov 2004 23:35)
yeah i here you.............but some songs no matter who the artist is you just cant stop listening to them. for example i used to love megumi hayshibara but i got tired of it but there are some of her songs that i will always have on my computer
>>By DnAngel22 (Sunday, 21 Nov 2004 06:13)
yeah...for some apperent reson...i'm starting to listen to mama by the spice's a really good song though...isn't it weird that we are the only one's talking about Gackt...i thought more people woulda known about them...heh...oh well
>>By ~enter_the_darkness~ (Saturday, 27 Nov 2004 20:39)
yeah...............i cant believe no one is talking bout porno graffiti. they did some of the music for the anime GTO.
>>By DnAngel22 (Friday, 3 Dec 2004 23:14)
i've heard of GTO...but never really read any of the manga's...i'm more of a gothic manga person...^.^ power to the gothi--*sniffs air* I SMELL RAMEN! i wonder if Gackt likes ramen...
>>By ~enter_the_darkness~ (Saturday, 18 Dec 2004 20:48)
im sure they has noodles and who doesnt like odles of noodles
>>By DnAngel22 (Friday, 24 Dec 2004 22:33)
I've heard they look like chicks.
>>By Catri (Saturday, 8 Jan 2005 10:25)
na ive seen pics.....they ahve really weird fashions sence but other than that they look like regular guys
>>By DnAngel22 (Monday, 17 Jan 2005 01:54)
His voice is awesome and the tracks too. I like him and hes looks (:
>>By ChiKara (Monday, 28 Feb 2005 15:59)
yeah he is cute..i downloaded some music vids when he was still with malice mizer and i have this one where he is doing a commercial with a mermaid
>>By DnAngel22 (Monday, 28 Feb 2005 19:38)
Gackt is god and he is beautiful. I love vanilla and Lust for Blood..... ^_^ GO JROCK
>>By ForkInMyEye (Tuesday, 8 Mar 2005 19:13)
the song cube and mizerable are pretty good too. course it would help if i could type without having to hit the back button every other letter
>>By DnAngel22 (Friday, 11 Mar 2005 22:57)
I like lust of blood, staircase, and last song...i can't remember what some of em are called but they're still good ^.^
>>By ~enter_the_darkness~ (Friday, 19 Aug 2005 22:30)
Hi! I started to know the name "gackt" a year ago, but it lastet almost one whole year till the name became music to me ;-) (uhm, this is baaad English, I´m sure, am German, sry ;)
Think music from Asia will become more important in the future. Look, the´s in kill bill an then in the "Indie-Music-magazines", then Gwen Stefany etc. It´s a pretty cool thing, that there´s even a whole magazine about music from Japan in Gerrnany, it´s called "J-Beat". Is there something like that in your homes, too?
>>By Lullaby´s Lady (Tuesday, 23 Aug 2005 20:32)
mmmmmm...I haven't posted on this site for a while...Gackt! yay!
>>By ~enter_the_darkness~ (Tuesday, 18 Oct 2005 23:25)
haha, very sad that the english forum of gackt here is so empty.. just look at the german´s, there´re so many postings ^-^
To you´re conversation about "Gackt is punk", ehm, he´s visual key, and that´s a fusion of Glamrock and punk isn´t it? So you´re not that wrong at all. Something different: Buck tick is a real old band, do they still exsist?
>>By Lullaby´s Lady (Saturday, 10 Dec 2005 20:15)
iunno. I just read through all the board...haha, -insert new post the next year- woot...I doubt any of you will be coming back to this board...anyway,,,Yay Gackt, long live J-Rock!
>>By ~enter_the_darkness~ (Monday, 8 May 2006 21:11)
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