Erasure are a band that have been making some of the best all-time pop songs. They write simple and good lyrics and they have created great and absolutely unforgettable melodies along their career. It can sound as an absurd, but I really compare the work of Erasure on music with what have made by Beatles, Motown, Burt Bacharach & The Smiths, 'cos all these names gave to pop music a sense of melody associated to good and simple lyrics like Erasure did it. I believe that in a near future Erasure will receive the value that they really have! By the way, if you read this post, don't leave to know "Other People's Songs", 'cos it's really great! I swear!
>>By Fábio (Wednesday, 5 Feb 2003 04:06)
Erasure is the best. I just got that CD the other day. Cool!!! And I love all the songs on there. Soosbury Hill wow. And I didnt' know about the part 2.
>>By shy (Thursday, 20 Feb 2003 23:37)
Erasure is really cooool! I love their music, especially albums Wild! and Chorus. Andy's voice is really fantastic, and I also like the music and the texts. I think their songs are not just pop music, but MUSIC in block capitals!! This concerns especially the album I Say I Say I Say, and Erasure. They should be much more popular than they are.
>>By Zemi (Wednesday, 5 Mar 2003 09:01)
ERASURE... What can i say that has,nt already been said,well maybe that vince clarke has gotten the best sounds out of all those analog synths that any artist around since the late 70,s when synths were the size of an arm chair ever has! This is the reason we can identifi that unusual synth sound and in an instant know this is the work of ERASURE. .. And long may it last . OTHER PEOPLES SONGS is a brillant arrangement of ANDY BELLS voice polishing up some great classics along with CLARKES colourful synth arrangement,and the best bass sounds ever, this is a must for any C.D.collection. Go out and get it!!!!!!!!!!
>>By JAY MAC MANN (Wednesday, 7 May 2003 21:15)
i m french and i live a reunion island near madagascar i love erasure music i prefer circus album
>>By eddy (Thursday, 24 Jul 2003 19:30)
That's pretty bold to compare Erasure to The Beatles, but I can kind of see where you're coming from.
>>By duelisthouston (Wednesday, 31 Mar 2004 15:55)
great...............:) :) :)
>>By yayumi (Friday, 23 Apr 2004 06:55)
I remember about Erasur and 'oh l'amour" and 'a little respect" It s really good !!!
>>By Fadetogrey (Thursday, 4 Nov 2004 17:49)
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