Einstürzende Neubauten
Die Eier von Satan
Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker Ein Viertel Teelöffel Salz Eine Messerspitze türkisches Haschisch Ein halbes Pfund Butter Ein Teelöffel Vanillenzucker Ein halbes Pfund Mehl Einhundertfünfzig Gramm gemahlene Nüsse Ein wenig extra Staubzucker ... und keine Eier
In eine Schüssel geben Butter einrühren Gemahlene Nüsse zugeben und Den Teig verkneten
Augenballgroße Stücke vom Teig formen Im Staubzucker wälzen und Sagt die Zauberwörter Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim
Auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen und Bei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen und KEINE EIER
Bei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen und Keine Eier ..
>>By Liberace (Sunday, 16 Mar 2003 21:53)
Thats Tool, it's how to make Deviled Eggs
>>By NotIan (Thursday, 17 Apr 2003 08:45)
what amazes me about neubauten is the energy and enthusiasm they put into their sound. at their most mundane, you can still catch a glimmer of it. at their best, their records might as well incinerate anyhting the soundwaves come into contact with. take a few gangly kids from west berlin, give them a bunch of second hand music equipment, metal junk, and stolen power tools and see what happens. see how the hostility of their environment, the constant nagging threat of communist invasion, fuels them to express something so explosive. it is no surprise they rely heavily on fire imagery as a touchstone. then watch them evolve and hone their strategies. see how "stahlversion" becomes "wassertum" becomes "headcleaner". for all of the nonsense that the industrial genre generated there was always neubauten purifying the waste of it all. they were one of the few groups who didn't become dancefloor fodder.
>>By joe morgan (Friday, 9 May 2003 18:57)
the thing what my shocked a bit was the looking of blixa bargeld in the beginning of the 80ies blixa looked very ill does anyone knows something about his past and what he do before neubauten
>>By rudolf (Saturday, 10 May 2003 16:29)
i don't know, but apparently I look like Blixa Bargeld.
>>By Orridge (Monday, 19 May 2003 05:32)
To notan: Die Eier von Satan....those are the sweetest-sounding deviled eggs I've ever heard of, particularly since I'm accustomed to them as a savory, minus the hash. Here's my recipe, Liberace.
One pound of butter One ounce sensimilla
Melt the butter in a pan. Add the sensimilla. Saute until the sensimilla has wilted and has yielded its color. Discard the sensimilla and use the butter for any recipe of your choice. If you use olive oil instead of butter, you can baste roasting nuts.
And now about the music. What I have always enjoyed so much is the energy of the group and the innovation of "found" and created instruments. They remind me on one level of a 20-century classical composer named Harry Partch, who was also renowned for creating his own instruments from whatever he could find. People are told sound must be received by particular instruments in a certain environment, so it is a pleasure to hear sound reinvented. Even with the loss of Mufti, I hope this band continues to experiment.
>>By redcatdave (Sunday, 15 Jun 2003 10:05)
In one of the neubauten home video/ documentaries you get to see blixa as a young pretentious goth poet. It's great.
Neubauten is one of my favorite bands and I never tire of them. I hope to see them live again some day.
>>By vextor (Sunday, 27 Jul 2003 08:08)
The thing about Blixa was that when he met up with Nick Cave and joined the Bad Seeds, they all got heaviliy into heroin. That's why he looks like a bushy-headed reed on the back of albums like "The First Born Is Dead". However as the 90s arrived, everyone piled on a few pounds after cutting back on the heavy narcotics, and Blixa ended up looked even a little roly-poly! I saw EN a month ago in London, and he was down to normal size again. The show was probably the best I've ever seen, and he did plenty of that strange sexy screaming, like a little German squeakybag. I met him at the aftershow and of course he was equipped with the trademark bottle of red wine and a glass, and he signed my copy of "Commissioned Music" - which should be MANDATORY LISTENING FOR EVERYONE WITH BRAINSTEMS!
Rudolf, you may be interested in reading "Headcleaner" which he wrote. Also "Go Tell The Mountain", a book on Jeffrey Lee Pierce, has some interesting documents on Blixa.
>>By spookyloop (Saturday, 8 May 2004 16:50)
Is the new one any good?
>>By thom (Tuesday, 11 May 2004 23:40)
What, "Perpetuum Mobile" you mean?
>>By spookyloop (Monday, 17 May 2004 13:26)
Yes. Well? Is it good? I've heard they mellowed which isn't necessarily a bad thing
>>By thom (Wednesday, 19 May 2004 22:51)
perpetuum mobile reminds me of my childhood (i virtually live on a beach) i'm sure you can guess which songs i mean. pm isn't the best but, its still good.
i think blixa's hair was at its best in the weeping song video, very stylish indeed.
>>By TheBadFairy (Sunday, 29 Aug 2004 10:43)
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