Dixie Dregs


Looking for someone who is going to Dregs show in
W.Va. on 4/23/03

>>By sst   (Wednesday, 23 Apr 2003 05:55)

Taking my girlfriend to her first Dregs show 4/25 & 26 and would like to get a copy of playlist from 4/23 show Help!!!!!!!!!!!

>>By sst   (Wednesday, 23 Apr 2003 06:07)

I am a 47 year old Paraplegic who lives in a small province of Canada called Prince Edward Island. I broke my back in 1976 in a drinking & driving accident brought on by my self. No one else was involved thank heavens. During my recovery period I discovered Dixie Dregs through a friend who used to record the vinyl to cassette and I would listen to Steve & the gang until I had literally worn out the highest quality tapes I could find. To say that Steve Morse is a great guitar player is like saying Bach was pretty good at writing music. In my humble opinion, which is based on thousands of listenings to All the Dixie Dregs, Dregs, and Dixie Dregs Reunions and very importantly, all but the last three new Steve Morse Band Cd's, I Feel that Steve has surpassed any guitar player I have ever heard in my life. His speed is never at the espense of taste and intricate compositions that leave my jaw on my lap half of the time. I have noticed from listening to Steve so often that one must listen to each CD many times over to get the full taste of all the many layered small shifts of the volume in the midst of a fire setting paced run down the neck or the unbelievable time changes that so frequently have left me out of breath moving my body to the music until I have to take a break. I would recommend Steve Morse over any Guitar Player I have ever heard, Rod Morgenstein is one of the greatest drummers I have ever heard (Mike Portnoy is awfully close and makes the choice much harder), Dave LaRue is an absolute joy to listen to and compliments Steve extremely well but may have to take a back seat to The Bass player in Bela Fleck & The Flecktones, He is the most awesome man on a Bass that this simple country boy has ever heard (His last name is Wooten) and I beleive my self that maybe the best Violin player the Dregs ever had was Mark O'Connor and again my knowledge of Violins is based simply by what I hear and like and I am certainly no expert. Anyway I hope that most of us music Lovers can listen to anything from Freefall to Impacts II and truly say this has been well worth the Money!!!!! Just another Steve Morse fan, Alex Poole.

>>By Alex   (Monday, 21 Jul 2003 15:42)

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