"Pictures Of Starving Children Sell Records"... one of the best albums ever released.
>>By sufi (Friday, 19 Sep 2003 18:54)
"...Ladies and Gentlemen, just imagine it - Someone comes along, takes everything you own, your space, your house; separates you from your family: and then hits you in the face if you say anything different. Well, that's what we've been doing to the Third World for the past 400 years. That's YOU and ME. You and the viewers at home, me in the studio, the pop stars, everyone. That's how we make the Third World, today and every day. If you want any correspondence with the programme, just send your answers - LETTER BOMBS ONLY! - to: BP House Victoria Street London SW1
Thank you and goodnight! Feed theWorld: Starve the Rich - Goodnight! "
"Live Aid, Band Aid and Sport Aid raised £80 million worldwide: half of Michael Jackson's personal amassed fortune of 200 million dollars. Or about the same as the world spends on arms every 2 hours 40 minutes."
>>By sufi (Friday, 19 Sep 2003 19:04)
Chumbawamba is pretty sweet. I don't really like their albums but the stuff they put out on their site is amazing. I love Enough Is Enough (kick it over). It's such a great song. Chumbawamba is really the only band I like, other than Ladytron.
>>By Geotrio (Thursday, 28 Apr 2005 07:07)
Best band ever, aside from queen.
>>By mac280c (Thursday, 1 Sep 2005 23:30)
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