Billie Holiday
I am 10. Billie holiday is my black history person.I found a lot about her. I didn't know she went threw all that.
>>By Tylisha (Wednesday, 5 Feb 2003 23:43)
Billie is the best Lady singer in the world. Her voice isn't a human voice , it's an angel voice.
>>By Juan Antonio Cano (Wednesday, 5 Mar 2003 16:23)
Billie Holiday is my very favorite jazz singer. Her songs have really inspired me.
>>By Red Athena (Thursday, 13 Mar 2003 17:28)
I have to admit, I've never heard her sing, but I'm doing a project about her at school and from what everyone else says, she's supposed to be fantastic. Can anyone tell me where I can listen to some of her music on the net?
>>By Kitty (Friday, 21 Mar 2003 20:55)
I'm doing a school project on her and she is wonderful,or so I've heard. I've never heard her sing but I heard she was fabulous. I wish I could hear her sing.
>>By peeps (Thursday, 17 Apr 2003 05:29)
I'm doing a school project on her and I cant wait to sing her song in class. I heard she is wonderful and I wish I had the pleasure to meet her.I'm only14 but my favorite kind of music is blues and jazz so I cant wait to hear her and learn more about her.
>>By Mandy (Thursday, 17 Apr 2003 05:33)
How I fell about Billie Hoalidy Is Ibelive she was wonderful Jazz singer but it was also a shame what she had to go threw.
>>By Big Lovely (Monday, 19 May 2003 14:42)
oh billy. why can't they sing it like you do?
>>By Superstarzz!! (Monday, 15 May 2006 19:14)
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