808 State
808 State used to sponsor a drag car called The Vixen. Does anyone know what connection the band had with this car please? The driver was called Vicky Gregg. Not knowing the band, I am not aware of the connection. Can anyone help please?
>>By Tanya (Monday, 16 Dec 2002 00:41)
808 State is one of the greatest bands to come out of the late 1980s. With classic cuts like Pacific State, Cubik, and Ooops (featuring Bjork), 808 State has proven to be pioneers of the new wave of alternative dance.
>>By The Phoenix (Sunday, 13 Apr 2003 03:14)
I was turned on to 8080 State with the smash "Cubik". Personally their music is great but I much prefer the EX:EL album. That is clearly one of the greatest collaborations they have had. I am looking forward to more of 808's music for years to come.
>>By Scorpio808 (Sunday, 4 May 2003 18:21)
Definitely pioneers but went downhill after Gorgeous in my opinion. Their synth lines just couldn't hold up. But Utd State is a great album as a whole.
>>By BoomBip (Friday, 26 Sep 2003 18:42)
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