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Please take a look at the list below. If you agree with a rename, click YES, if you disagree click NO. Next to Yes and No you can see the current number of votes.
renameJourney Separate WaystoJourney ? Yes: 14 No: 7
renameKen Car$ontoKen Carson ? Yes: 14 No: 7
renameKlangkarrusseltoKlangkarussell ? Yes: 13 No: 7
renameOreja De Van GoghtoLa Oreja De Van Gogh ? Yes: 12 No: 7
renameMelody'S Echo ChambertoMelody's Echo Chamber ? Yes: 12 No: 5
renameBtstoBTS ? Yes: 11 No: 5
renameGunnartoGunna ? Yes: 7 No: 4
renameKerry JamestoKery James ? Yes: 7 No: 4
renameHan SolotoSan Holo ? Yes: 7 No: 4
renameAligatortoAlligatoah ? Yes: 5 No: 5