Swollen Members


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and i cant believe how nice u people are compared to the other ppl that were on her a long time ago but ne wayz thanx for being so nice: hardcore member chick and prevailing and all u ppl!!   (Wednesday, 14 May 2003 04:56)

Ya we no we're nicer than the other people. You probably didn't mean me. i'm a b**** but thats ok.

Swollen Members rule and they always will!

Peace out!

>>By héllô   (Thursday, 15 May 2003 00:36)

Aww thanks, i hate bitchy ppl! lol. Ya we did make page 10, that's sweet!!! No one on the gob page ever talks, it's really boring, but this is cool! All is good!

>>By prevailing   (Thursday, 15 May 2003 00:57)

Hey to all the new ppl on this page. i know, they should definiatly update their website, i go there like every day and there is never anything new! but i'll keep checking and keep ya posted. Ashley #1 fan totally has the right vibe goin on, they are our boys and as long as they keep writin, i'll keep listening!

>>By hardcore member chic   (Thursday, 15 May 2003 02:45)

yah hello person ur really nice too...yah as long as their writin songz ill alwayz be a #1 fan!!!!

>>By i luv swollen   (Thursday, 15 May 2003 05:53)

i wish i could meet them face to face, they usually come to victoria at least twice a year, that would be like a dream come true!

>>By hardcore member chic   (Friday, 16 May 2003 01:19)

as soon as they come to kelowna or van im goin to their concert.....YAY!!!

>>By i luv swollen   (Friday, 16 May 2003 02:10)

tha memberz r muh #1 no madda wat all ye'z sez.... but 2 tha joe dude....
if u dont like em bak da hell up n put ur shit sumwheres else. u can have ur dam opinions.... if u dont like em ya dont like em n das how it goes.... but dont say da shit on here man.... they have their fans.... n dey got lotz..... if u dont like it stik it up ur ass... but dont come on here n say ur shit cuz i 4 fukin 1 dont wanna hear it.... n i say it goez for alotta yall das up in here....

keep on lovin
im out

>>By Lady Venom   (Friday, 16 May 2003 02:11)

Man it's obvious that all the shit heads that come on here and bash Swollen are just doing for attention. So let's just not waste our time giving them that attention. Anywayz i cant wait til there new single comes out ,,, im so pumped. You know it's amazing! To me Swollen Members isn't just another band trying to make their way to success... to me there so much more. They inspire me and when somethings wrong i turn to there lyrics and beats and that keeps me movin! I dont know if it's possible to like the guys too much, cuz in that case im screwed ,, but too me it's there musiq and there attitude that's keeps Canada rockin! And Im Fuckin Proud TO Be CANADIAN! Luvin them so much!

>>By Ashley_#1_Fan   (Friday, 16 May 2003 08:17)

You can say that again ashley! Canada rocks! And to hard core member chick, it is awesome meeting them, their really cool guys, espcially when they're drunk ha ha ha, well that's all i have to say!

>>By prevailing   (Sunday, 18 May 2003 03:51)

I have Bad Dreams, Balance, and M.I.T.C...
Bad Dreams, their best overall, straight-up....
Their best song of all time has to be "Battle Axe Exclusive"...
the illest beat and scratches, and fierce lyrical dilivery from MadChild
is pure dope...the whole song is perfect for breakdancin', gets
me pumped...anyway that's my time, an' to all the
Swollen haters, stop the ignorance and listen for once.


>>By V-Max   (Sunday, 18 May 2003 23:07)

i'm soo jealous of you, prevailing, i want to meet them so bad, drunk people are soo funny too! i love "battle axe exclusive" also, it is definiatly one of their best without doubt, but i also like "swtichblade" and "shatterproof". "battleaxe experiment" is also awesome, i love their beats, they kick ass!

>>By hardcore member chic   (Sunday, 18 May 2003 23:26)

Gat to your face with the f^ckin' bullets stickin' out, missin' out, diss and bout, blood's what you're pissin' out~~ That's for all you peeps who are bashin my boyz aight,, that's all i gotta say,,, cuz i luv em so stay real boyz and alwayz rock!

>>By Ashley_#1_Fan   (Monday, 19 May 2003 22:11)

Hey don't be jealous hardcore, you'll surely meet em soon, which province, or state or whatever do you live in? There pretty good at stoppin in the major cities of each area so i'm sure they'll come by you somewhere. They were pretty funny drunk, madchild is actually really really nice, he compliments everything, love him!

>>By prevailing   (Monday, 19 May 2003 22:31)

Does anyone here know when their third album is gonna drop? No I ain't talkin about Monsters In the Closet...their actual third release, with completely new tracks...

hit me back if y'all know summin summin bout that....


>>By V-Max   (Tuesday, 20 May 2003 00:15)

Hey, don't worry i'm not jealous, i'm just wanting to meet them reallllllly badly. i live in Victoria, B.C, Canada , so i'm not too worried, like i said before they usually drop in at least twice a year so i just gotta be patient, which is not one of my strongest qualities.

>>By hardcore member chic   (Tuesday, 20 May 2003 00:40)

Does anyone know where Prevail's hometown is,,, im thinkin he said Regina at there last concert,,, but that seems a little weird to me. I know he grew up in B.C, but other than that im not too sure. Thanks guys!~

>>By Ashley _#1_Fan   (Tuesday, 20 May 2003 06:02)

Hey everyone I have been really busy theese days but I am here! All you guys are awesome and I love all of you! I luv Swollen Members! Lol i love saying i got to listen to s&m ha ha!

>>By Jane   (Wednesday, 21 May 2003 00:31)

i'm pretty sure Prevail grew up in my hometown, Victoria, so did moka

>>By hardcore member chic   (Wednesday, 21 May 2003 00:35)

The drugs is messed up! does prevail do drugs or only mad child and moka or what?

>>By Jane   (Thursday, 22 May 2003 05:12)

wow! I was searching like tons of artists and this one has the most pages of em all! Britney Spears only has 2! I LOVE SWOLLEN MEMBERS!

>>By Jane   (Thursday, 22 May 2003 05:38)

holy fuck! My friend erika is soooooo frikin lucky well since she is cuzins with rob, her her friend her mom and soem other people took them out for supper before there concert in winnipeg and she got to hang out with them on the tour bus. SHE IS SOOOOOO LUCKY I AM SO JEALOUS!

>>By Jane   (Friday, 23 May 2003 01:04)

the new album is out september

ne1 have hyperstudio
if so
I would SOOOOOO appreciate it
if u could send it to me @ blun6080@hotmail.com
p.s more lines: closer to page 11


>>By MADCHILD"SHOT   (Friday, 23 May 2003 02:38)


>>By ME   (Friday, 23 May 2003 02:40)

is anyone here anymore??:(? Thank god everyone on this message board is nice!

>>By Jane   (Friday, 23 May 2003 04:01)

i'm still here, don't worry. Your friend is sooooo lucky. We have to beat out good charlotte, we're Canadian!   (Friday, 23 May 2003 05:18)

ooopsies i forgot to put my name on that last one

>>By hardcore member chic   (Friday, 23 May 2003 05:18)

We have to beat them lol!

>>By Jane   (Friday, 23 May 2003 23:07)

OMG...... were so far from 27 pages,,,lol,,, w/e we'll make it eventually. I came to the conclusion that prevail is gunna be the father of my baby one day,,,lol,,, seriously man,,,, he's so fucking hot!!! Keep it up boyz,,,, Later

>>By Ashley_#1_Fan   (Saturday, 24 May 2003 23:31)

lol ur really sure that prev will be the father of ur baby eh?

>>By i luv swollen   (Sunday, 25 May 2003 08:11)

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